JOURNAL: RichLather (Jeff Tatarek)

  • Hallelujah! 2003-01-22 07:55:58 I'm exporting the final clean version of "Yuji's Defense" as I type this. least, until I see something I want to tweak... And I'll make a version with credits as well.

    90% cuts and dissolves, with only three or so digital effects. One whole section got the aged film look, and I'm happy with the results of just randomly twiddling with sliders.

    SakuraCon will get JNV's first new anime music video of 2003. I'm done well before the deadline! 
  • OMGWTF 2003-01-18 22:25:28 (gah--did I actually use that as a title?)

    I've discovered Freedom Force for the PC. My productivity just went into the shitter until I get tired of playing The Tick in a superhero RPG. 
  • Your lips move, but I can't hear what you're saying. 2003-01-14 15:30:59 Still too busy to write up a proper con report (at work now, joy) but I have come to the realization that I've simply got too much to do and not enough time to do it.

    Case in point: I want to begin working on more AMVs for contests (hence the purchase of the Evangelion box set for **$72**--can't stop pimping that) but in order todo the right job I need to actually -watch- all that anime. That's 13 hours alone for Eva, plus I have to finish Excel Saga Vol.3, Gundam 08th MS vol.2, the Crusher Joe movie and OVAs... and that's just the anime. I also have the Band of Brothers box set, Glory and Gettysburg, UHF... not enough time in the day.

    I worked a little more on the Blue Gender AMV I wanted to have done for Ohayocon, and HollywoodFX Gold seems like it's willing to play along now instead of simply crashing Premiere. Maybe it's the GEForce4 that's taking a load off of the system..I dunno.
  • Jingle bells, Batman smells... 2003-01-13 21:38:02 Back from Ohayocon but getting too wrapped up in real life again to form thoughts enough for an in-depth entry concerning it.

    Couple of short bits I'll expand on later:

    Meeting forum folks like Uncle Milo and Misty Caldwell.

    Buying the Eva box set for $72, all everything ever made for Crusher Joe for $21.

    Riding herd on at least 200 eager souls Friday night during Animation Hell, and making them WANT GI Joe safety clips. 
  • Where the hell is that guy? 2003-01-07 15:25:40 I haven't been on the .org forums in the past couple of weeks for a couple of reasons:

    I've been literally swamped with Fiesta Bowl coverage, which has lessened somewhat after the euphoria of the Ohio State victory. I was at the station from 3pm until 2:35am on January 3 alone.

    I'm getting Animation Hell put together for Ohayocon this weekend (midnight Friday in Main Programming A, I think).

    I'm also trying to get into the third phase of beta testing for Star Wars Galaxies, the new massively multiplayer role-playing game that LucasArts is putting together, so I'm spending a good bit of time over on their public forums.

    That's about it...

    Nancy and I bought a new Gateway desktop for her exclusive office use, and that got delivered today. Now I can clear off most of what is unnecessary on "my" computer and fill it with AMV, game, and MP3 crap.

    If anyone's interested, I'm selling some comics and junk on eBay to help raise cash for a RAM upgrade. My username there is rich*lather.  
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