RichLather (Jeff Tatarek)
Rose-tint my world, keep me safe from my trouble and pain.
2002-12-09 14:24:05
Turns out I was misinformed about the training for the new newsroom system. I showed up today right at 9am, only to be told that I -didn't- need to show up because I'd be missing so much of the training.
This after I drove in 45 minutes to work, and also after the chief editor totally failed to relay that information to me. So, at least I get an extra hour of overtime as a make-good for showing up to add to the EIGHT HOURS I'M ALREADY GETTING for working a six-day week.
So I went home, all pissed off, and spen 2 & a half hours putting together my bit for Mission: Improbable. I think I'm largely over my fear of Premiere! The preview looks pretty good, even with the low-quality MJPEG edit decoy (I'm using AD's third method, as described in the Guide).
Only problem was... when I went to do a final render, the clips were all messed up! not even close to how the work copy looked. Turns out that when I made work AVIs from my AVS files in Virtualdub, I foolishly trimmed out the OP/ED bits from the episodes which led to the timecodes being completely off when I had Premiere plug the high-quality AVS files back in!
Oh well... new UNCUT work files that are IDENTICAL to the high-quality AVS files have ben made, and I'll go back tonight and fix the clips. the timeline will remain unchanged, as I rather like the way the effects have worked out. Just hope it doesn't get off track due to the HQ file getting dumbed down to 24FPS, in addition to telecide and decimate...
It's been a hard day's night, and I've been working like a dog.
2002-12-05 16:38:48
Here's how my December looks:
Our primary Christmas presents will be homemeade baked goods, which we will soon need to get started on. We figure one to two days of solid baking.
Planned vacation to Birmingham to visit my parents on the 18th-22nd. Can't fly, because we'll be taking down and bringing back Christmas gifts. Have to be back by the 23rd because I work overtime that day (a 6-day week).
Also working Mondays on the 9th and 30th, making both of -those- 6-day weeks. But I get 8 hours overtime for each of those.
I also work Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. But I get double-time for Christmas Day and New Year's Day.
This Saturday I work a split schedule, helping sports edit a special from 1-4 that got dumped on them literally Wednesday, and then come back at 8 to edit the 11pm show alone.
Monday and Tuesday of next week I'll be coming in at 9am to begin training on the new ENPS producer/editor system that's replacing NewStar in January, making both of those effectively double shifts.
On top of THAT I've got to finish the wedding video and try to do the Mission: Improbable segment I've been assigned.
I hope the forum will forgive me if I get increasingly Scroogelike in the next several weeks.
Insert snappy song lyric here
2002-12-04 11:43:23
Misty: congrats on the seasonal position!
What'll you be doing at this Lancaster production house?
Thing about Columbus, and more specifically Channel 10 where I work, is that we've been short an editor since before September 11, 2001. But the budget has been so tight, and we've been so good about doing our job with fewer people, that it is now difficult to justify to the beancounters upstairs that we -need- another editor.
And it's -really- too bad that you might not get to Columbus, because in 2003 we're switching over to a tapeless editing system (well, except for the field tapes our photogs use), meaning we do all our editing nonlinearly, with the finished product going directly to a server instead of to tape. W00t.
Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war!
2002-12-01 21:44:52
I've got hosting again for fours of my videos, for a a month atthe very least.
It's part of gottaname's bandwidth test, and if all works out I might have to consider staying on. Prices seem reasonable...we'll see.
On drinking and stupidity
2002-11-26 21:11:57
I think it doesn't matter if bars are closed on big game weekends, because that means students will just buy up lots of beer and booze beforehand and scarf it down guessed it...parties thrown by students in campus-area housing.
That said, most of the nasty rioting didn't start up until about 1am, and the bars closed at 2am.
I don't think there really is a solution, only deterrents...and shaming those caught in the act of violence and vandalism should pay for their actions.
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 22:07:26