RichLather (Jeff Tatarek)
Workin' in a coal mine, goin' down down
2002-11-18 08:20:29
Today's entry is being written from my wife's office at the Ohio University Dept. of Sociology & Anthropolgy.
I'm scanning in several dozen pages' worth of Ohio Penitentiary documents from the turn of the century for a project on Bertillon measurements. These are all off of microfilm, and I plan on burning these files to CD-R so they can come back home and be bathed in Photoshop goodness.
Probably no video work today; I will get started this week however.
Rip rap, holy crap! We're Airborne infantry...
2002-11-14 22:38:15
Day of Defeat is eeeeevil. All my home productivity is shot thanks to the re-installation of the game. I do loves me some sniper action on Caen 2, yesiree.
You put one foot in front of the other...
2002-11-13 22:28:08
I am determined to get this wedding video done ASAP. It's just sapping my will to do it, since it -is- a favor and I will do my best on it, I just cannot stand editing wedding video. I think if I had it as a job, it'd kill my soul dead.
But, as soon as I can get it done, I can start doing other stuff.
That said, it's awfully tough to stop playing Star Trek: Armada (thank you library! free PC games are teh r0xx0r) and even more so to not re-install Day of Defeat until later.
Marching through Georgia
2002-11-08 21:02:47
(that's the name of a Civil War-era song, not an impending announcement of an Atlanta visit)
Veteran's Day parade went well people, including a young drummer boy marched a mile or so down the route, then back up again instead of waiting in a shuttle bus while traffic got more clogged than Matthew Perry's gravy-filled arteries.
It was well, an honor to represent the men who fought and died in the Civil War but what I did pales in significance to the surviving veterans of other wars and conflicts who took part in the parade themselves. I'm just a placeholder ensuring that those long gone are not forgotten.
We did have a vet, who by the looks of his jacket was part of a B-25 bomber crew, ask to have his photo taken with us, which was pretty nice.
Get to do it all again Monday, in a smaller town (where I currently live). We even get to fire on route, which will be interesting. Gotta roll some cartridges this weekend.
MC, if I could send you a six-pack through a 56K line, I would.
Hot blooded, check it and see. Got a fever of 103.
2002-11-07 19:52:27
Well, not really... have been fighting a cold for the past few days, though. Was a real bitch to get through election night at the station with a sinus pressure headache, fatigue and a drippy nose. Bleah.
So what do I do now that I'm feeling a bit better? That's right--march in two Veterans' Day parades!
Tomorrow it's the Columbus parade (maybe 50 degrees, but no rain) and Monday is Lancaster (dunno about the weather).
And of course I've gotten bugger all done on the wedding tape...
Current server time: Jan 12, 2025 21:21:35