RichLather (Jeff Tatarek)
Alive and kicking
2002-11-05 14:55:41
Computer is back up and running--has been for a bit, actually...
But now I've got all the software I need re-downloaded and re-installed (this time burning it directly to a CD-R for safekeeping, so I don't need to spend days watching it creep along a 56K connection).
I shall have to re-capture all of my videos (HAH! VHS is still good for something!) and get one or two sent off for the contest.
Also still have to do that wedding video before I can get started on the intro sequence for Animation Hell, then the Disney DDR project, then probably the Columbus Crew highlight reel...
I'm going to be busy.
Capitalize on this good fortune; one word can bring you down.
2002-10-26 15:47:10
Installed the new HD this morning, found it was already pre-loaded with WinME, which to me was a godsend. A few minutes' worth of auto-detection of hardware, and re-loading in device drivers brought the system back up to speed.
Also of note, our Quantum Fireball 60GB drive was replaced by a Seagate Barracuda *80GB* drive. I'm sure not going to complain!
2002-10-25 20:43:06
New hard drive arrived today... will spend most of the weekend and even Monday putting it in and re-installing software. Joy.
For ErMaC
2002-10-22 21:02:04
My research into data recovery showed that it would've been more cost-effective to simply buy a brand-new, much larger hard drive than to try and get back all the lost programs and files.
Now, it's the joy of the hunt to recover the MP3s I lost, or else send some blank CD-Rs to my nephew, who got a copy of my MP3 collection for part of his Christmas package...
It's also an excuse to get the latest versions of Goldwave, Paint Shop Pro, and make a more orderly folder system for all my AMV stuff.
That said, I do not relish the task of restoring WinME and all the other programs to that new hard will require much beer and possibly a straitjacket.
Funny you should mention dissertations.... a few years ago, that might've happened to my wife, but she was fastidious about having multiple copies of all her data! Can't say I blame her, after seeing how suddenly a hard drive can go tits-up.
He's no fun, he fell right over!
2002-10-22 17:28:38
Ho boy.
No computer work -at all- from home for hte next few days.
Apparently, our hard drive decided to die in its sleep. No warning signs at all--powered down normally Monday evening, came back Tuesday morning to find that the c: drive wasn't being recognized at all.
A call to the crack Gateway tech support staff had me check the BIOS settings, then run FDISK and GWSEARCH from a DOS prompt, before concluding that it was dead-dead-deadski. Actually they didn't say that--instead they said that they'd get right onto shipping us out a new hard drive. I don't know if the guy heard my jaw striking the floor or not.
So, I've pretty much lost a gig's worth of MP3s, Paint Shop Pro, Premiere, Goldwave, all my AMV apps, all the graphics stuff I'd worked on, lots of digital photos I may or may not have on CD somewhere, and a good bit more. However, there really isn't anything there that is a tragic loss. But it will put a severe crimp in my plans to edit.
My wife lost a lot of scans I'd been working on for a research project, so it looks like I'll be spending at least one off day in her office re-scanning and re-tweaking them.
So, if there's anyone out there who knows anything about performing CPR on hard drives, let me know if there's anything different that I can try to see if the data can be recovered or if the drive is dead at all. I'm also going to see if there's anyone who specializes in data recovery and ask their opinion.
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:36:41