Nullstate (Lee Jeffries)
Philosophy of Religion and analytical writers...
2002-01-31 18:15:33
I'm currently taking a course on the philosophy of religion. Now, I love toying with ideas. A good debate usually puts a smile on my face, and even most readings in the field interest me.
The I ran into Faith & Understanding by Paul Helm...
You see, Helm's an analytical philosopher. As such he painstakingly and laboriously attempts to break even the simplest ideas to the most minute detail. Then he examines those details. Talk about dry reading. I feel like a man whos been lost in the desert for a week and upon rescue instead of water I find a peanut butter sandwitch shoved down my gullet. The most frightening thing is that it seems that Helm is one of the more readable analyticals. Yikes.
Well, I'm going to go get another java drip bag for my IV in the hopes of remaining conscious trhough the last chapter I have to read for tommorrows class. *sigh*
Well... that's embarrassing.
2002-01-22 14:36:57
I have to say I feel like a grade A shmuck. After entering my new parody I ,eventually, noticed a small typo in the links for my slayers video. That thing's been up for more than half a year and I never noticed. The funny thing is I could swear I tested at least one of it's links and it worked for me. Oh well.
In going back and fixing that I've also decided to do away with all my segmented files. They hardly ever see use. It seems like no one ever downloads all off them, and it doesn't work unless you download all the segments for a given amv. Well, I shouldn't comlain. It allowed me to reclaim a gig or two of my hard drive.
It's alive! ALIVE!! Bwahahahahaha *cough* *hack*
2001-12-30 14:09:15
Just in time for new years my server has risen from it's own ashes. Okay, technically it's not the SAME server. It's a the new box I put together. Sadly I'm still running off a dial-up, so it's not going to speed updownloads. Hopefully it's a bit more stable though.
2001-12-26 14:16:30
<stops banging head against desktop>
Well, the old box is just about dead. So if you've trying to download anything from me lately and wonder what happened, I'm working on it. New parts are on the way. As soon as I can get it up again and stable the server will return.
Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go lement the loss of my savings.
Well...that was painful...
2001-10-20 03:10:16
After several days of work I've got my own ftp server back up. Massive system crashes, and gigs of lost info are no fun :(
Current server time: Dec 25, 2024 20:26:17