2008-06-12 01:45:40
Graduation was just a total waste of time...serious bullshit...
and now I'm sick...
bahs and angry...hmmmm..... -
daaawww, he has a friend =w=
2008-06-10 21:38:54
Sorry if I'm being a showoff, I'm just excited xD Otafest was the first con I ever won any actual prize from x3
Mmmk, I'll stop now ^^;;; -
Otafest =D
2008-06-10 20:55:41
/me goes to hug Jenny x3 -
I has an epic desktop =w=
2008-06-10 04:37:34
hehehe =w= - GET IT GET IT GET IT GET IT GET IT 2008-06-08 03:50:02 http://www.animemusicvideos.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=88719