Radical_Yue (Younique )
I want to kill myself right now =_=
2007-11-29 19:45:40
Oh my god... I just looked at my sched, I thought I was in at 6pm, but turns out I was supposed to be there at 11am.... I want to kill myself right now.
This is the first time I have ever missed a shift like that.
I called up my boss and he's all "yeah, no call no show isn't a good thing"
I freakin apologized my ass off...
I wanna cry right now....
What I don't get, is why wasn't there a phone call? I've been a bit late before, when something happened, 15minutes or so, but there was always a phone call... And I always tell them, if I'm more than 10minutes late, there is either something big happening, or the sched was changed and I didn't know about it...That's when to call me...
Why the hell didn't they call?!?!
I fucking hate it when people don't call or show up for their shifts...
I feel sick with myself for doing it...
=_= Work tomorrow night is going to be very awkward... ='(
Evil and Uber mean thought
2007-11-26 23:17:29
While I jump on my org journal real quick before going back to hell life, I just have to say....
I am soooooo entertained when an announcement thread spends more time getting angsty and defending things then announcing and taking it all in.
That was my uber mean thought for the day.
Now, back to my own personal hell! =D
2007-11-21 20:45:40
So tired... have been so busy...imma go to sleep for a few hours...
9-5 shift on 2 hours sleep suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.....
2007-11-18 04:08:56
Tripped and ran into a ladder at work so my left arm is ready to fall off. There is a big bump where I hit it.
And my right arm is ready to fall off for overcompensation and all this fucking masking!!! >_o
2007-11-16 02:39:24
Appa Juce!!
Best song ever.
That is all. ^^
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 22:23:57