Radical_Yue (Younique )
@ Teh Mewnie RE: Criticism
2011-07-17 06:03:47
I agree. Broad/general negative feedback does nothing. If you're not specific about what was wrong and why it was wrong, you don't really get anywhere.
As for the stock effects....I understand that a lot of people start off with them. Hell, I started off with them and I thought I was cooler than the Fresh Prince |:> Thing is, until someone pointed out the fact that they had no purpose and looked bad I didn't realize that instead of just throwing something pre-made on the timeline, I should be getting creative and trying to find a better way to utilize the tools I have.
And when I say stock effects, I'm not talking about color effects, blurs and such. Used correctly, they can really add to a scene. I'm talking about starwipe-esque atrocities and effects that add absolutely nothing to the video but were only added because the editor said "because I can."
As for giving criticism on the source, the only time that comes into play for me, is if a certain well-known song or anime is used. Say if someone used "Must Be Dreaming" by Frou Frou, the automatic association of "Euphoria" would come with it. Now, while the two videos may not have anything to do with each other, it's almost a natural instinct to compare the two in your mind. If you choose to take on a monster, whether you knew you were or not, while it won't necessarily hurt you, it still can affect how the video is received.
Also, I understand that not everyone wants criticism and not everyone is striving to be great. But if they choose to post their video and put it out there for the public then they are the ones opening the door to both the negative and the positive. But how that person reacts when they receive something they didn't want/weren't looking for can really impact the final outcome.
If I gave negative criticism on a video but the editor responded with "It's fine that you didn't like it. I was just kinda doing it for fun and I'm not expecting it to be the next "Skittles" or anything." or even something remotely along those lines. That's cool.
But the immediate "HOW DARE YOU! YOU BITCH! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I HAVE ON MY PLATE AND YADDA YADDA YADDA..." is what tends to irk me >.>
But overall, I guess I just wish there were more people who were willing to put their two cents in to try to help a fellow editor improve. That way, when someone actually does point out where they went wrong, they don't seem like some lone flamer. IMO, it could help produce a better community and better videos.
Ok, this is just retarded...
2011-07-14 18:47:58
Dreamer (2011-07-09) [hits: 280] [ops: 1] [stars: 84] [star avg: 4.17]
LOCAL (74)
*sits and waits for the stupid star avg to level out :/*
2011-06-27 21:24:57
Why the fuck do I even try?
2011-06-13 03:28:22
Why the eff monkeys are people so quick to jump on the defensive...I mean..really?
Grow up.
Makes Me Sad - Part II
2011-05-07 21:13:05
First off, Code, chill. You're ridiculously nice, I think everybody knows that and I'm not mad at you :P
It was more the fact that while scanning through the announcement forums, I found so little real feedback other than "YAAY! YOU'RE AWESOME *begins eating hat* " that I got a tad bit peeved.
I've gotten cursed out via PM/IM so many times due to "flaming" I've lost count. It's such a shock nowadays for people to get negative feedback that they take it as a personal attack! Hell, I try to ban myself from posting to avoid the fabled "drama"...well, at least to avoid having people throw around that blasted word without any real reason to.
Yes, I know that most of the time when I post it's almost nothing but negative. But hell, you just got you cock sucked for 2+ pages of posts, so now it's time for someone to say "No thank you sir, I'll have a sandwich instead" and turn away from your e-penis.
Personally, I LOOK FORWARD to getting criticism. While, in a perfect world, people really should leave opinions with tips and helpful advice on how to get better., that's not what happens. So, you've got to take your help from where you can get it. The fact that someone is going to opt NOT just a post a smiley face and a happy comment but to sit there and tell me where I went wrong which will give me the idea of how to fix it in the future. Someone formulating a competent thought with the goal of helping someone advance their abilities.
THAT is a rare and beautiful gift.
It shouldn't be.
I'd rather be known to "cause drama" and "be a flamer" than a yes man.
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