JOURNAL: Eek-1 (Ikhwan )

  • 2008-01-21 15:36:59 I just realized I didn't finish any video last year. haha 
  • This and That, Here and There #2 2008-01-19 01:32:20

    Arso Banjeglav of Montenegro loved talking and texting on his cell phone, so much so that he told his son that when he died he wanted it put in his coffin. He passed away at the age of 67, and they buried the phone with him. But, after the funeral in the central Montenegrin town of Cetinje, they discovered that the SIM wasn't in the phone. So then they had to dig up the body to put the SIM in the phone.

    I could imagine a day when he suddenly used up all the credits, he'd have to ask a passerby, "Oi Richard, do me a favour. Stop by the grocery and fetch me a $5 prepaid" 
  • This and That, Here and There 2008-01-19 01:16:17 Astronauts may grow and eat bugs during long space missions

    There's the report that says about the possibility of bugs like silkworms, termites and beetles to become source of food for space missions in the future.

    Hopefully this news won't cause any females, who's commonly are enemy of crawling insects and worms, losing their 'appetite' to be astronautress.


    Mom acquitted in 'sex-piercing' of daughter,2933,305296,00.html

    A woman in Florida wanted to curb her teen's sex life and the piercing was intended to make intercourse uncomfortable. She also had her daughter's head shaved to make her unattractive to boys.

    That was probably a little violent, but maybe it was the only way a mother could do to protect her daughter from the crazy world of these days.


    The first print of JK Rowling's Harry Potter was sold for USD 41,000 during an auction in London. The book entitled Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was published in 1997.

    How many books would a minor novelist have to sell to reach the same profit as that single book? 
  • New Year, double salary increment :D 2008-01-17 13:47:52 This year's resolution is as has been: Get rich and quit smoking. 
  • Flash for fun 2007-11-20 14:16:54

    LOL this PWNS Happy Tree Friends!

    ok bye 
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