rei29 (Jonathan Ruh)
Alone You Breath
2001-11-30 13:00:38
To love is one the best feelingas a person can have, but to be loved back makes that feeling so much more warm. No matter how alone I feel, I should always that there are those out there will always be my friend and love me no matter what. And if I have that, that I don't need anything else, my life is complete.
Earthquakes and Headaches
2001-11-29 23:22:53
Every now and then, I just don't know. There comes those points in time when i think that maybe this isn't really happenning, that it's all just an elaborate ploy to make feel like shit in the end. I know I'm just taking something that really doesn't mean anything and blowing it WAY out of proportion, but i just have those wavering moments.
Even with those moments though, I would gladly trade everything I have and everything that I would eventually have to be right here in the same spot that I am in. I cannot remember a more precious time in my life that could surpass the feelings that I have right now.
Remember the Digits?
2001-11-29 16:09:44
What a crappy day. It's been cloudy nearly all day and it's been raining really hard for most of the day as well. The whole campus lost power for like an hour two, so that means I have also lost the download of Ayashi no Ceres episode 16, which was almost finished. Damn my rotten luck.
Work was a rather envigorating experience today as well. Seems my boss just can't get rid of his concept that to error is human. He better grasp that concept pretty quickly though, cause i'm not the only person who he's really starting to piss off.
So hungry right now....I think I'll go have a meatball sub... drool.....
Hold on Dreamaway
2001-11-29 09:30:53
After many nights of jusy blank, or restless, sleep, I've finally started dreaming again. It's nice to have dreams, they can highten certain conceptions that you have of yourself, and sometimes they are just damn good to have. I just wish that I could remember more of the one I had last night, cause it was really nice. Just to be able to spend some priceless time with a special someone, it was all that I could have asked for in a dream.
"Help" is Available For Your Questions...
2001-11-28 10:17:14
I would like to ask that everyone please pray that I cna make ith through my mathematics test on this fine morning. While I probably won't die or anything, I could be possibly maimed for life. Evil evil Tucci....
Very restless night last night; lots of tossing and turning in my sleep. Even so, I still feel fine, maybe a little tired, but not to the point of keeling over from exhaustion or anything like that.
Just two more days til I get some of my videos judged in a contest for the first time. Needless to say, I feel excited. They'll probably do poorly, but even if they do, the fact that I finally got to participate in a contest is still cool.
There comes a point in life when you may realize what you thought you may never have, was actually there the whole time. I'll just say this, even all the anime and rpg's in the world( and that's a BIG stretch if you know me) couldn't replace the feeling you get when you're loved by another person. Almost like on Cloud 9 I would say. As of right now, I couldn't ask for anything more.
Current server time: Jan 15, 2025 00:28:05