JOURNAL: rei29 (Jonathan Ruh)

  • Cervantes Beast 2001-11-27 16:32:42 /Yawn/ soooo bored. Evil roommate is doing it again, using my stuff without asking me. I swear, if he turns on the spanish channel just one more time....I'm gonna snap.

    Maybe I'll watch VHD again, I don't know. A good game of Xenogears sounds nice now, but Lucifer is watching the damn tv...grrrrrrrrrrr 
  • Indeed... 2001-11-27 10:00:48 Heh, as it turns out, the same day I entered the last journal entry, I pretty much told the person some of the things that I wanted to, go figure. Now granted, I didn't tell her everything, and if she reads this then she'll probably want to know the rest of what I want to say ~_^ but I think there's a better time and place to tell her the rest, given the current circumstances. I think she trusts my judgement though, and that she'd want me to tell her at the right time as well.

    Just saw Vampire Hunter D BLoodlust last night, and all I can say is wow, just wow. The wit was worth it. I really liked the end when he came back to make sure there were flowers, but that's getting into maybe a few spoilers there. 
  • You Know the Feeling? 2001-11-26 09:35:10 You know those times when you just want to out and tell someone something, but you just can't seem to get the words out? Yeah, I'm having that problem right now. Funny thing is that I have told the person before exactly what I want to say now, it's just that the first time I said it, I didn't really have any feeling or meaning in the words. Oh well, I guess I'll work up the nerve one of these days, I'll just keep turning it over and over endlessly in my mind til then. 
  • See the Chalk? Follow the Chalk. 2001-11-25 12:05:51 Ggggggrrrrrraaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! The break has ended, but I have to look at the bright side; less than two full weeks of classes left, and then only one week of exams. After all that, I'm free for a whole month! Huzzah indeed. In fact, I'll give a quadruple Huzzah on that note. 
  • Highland....Transparent Tape 2001-11-24 13:06:39 I can already feel the wrath of a few certain individuals after last night's avoidance of the weekly partaking of anime. Hopefully they'll get over it, I mean, after all, i am lending one of them almost my entire anime on dvd collection for about a week and a half over Christmas, that alone should get me somewhere. It's not like I am going to be behind sine I missed last night and all either, seeing as how I have all the anime that we watch. 
Current server time: Jan 15, 2025 04:22:14