RadicalEd0 (Taberis :O)
2003-02-06 22:14:15
snow harder! /shakes fist at air
its 11:13 and I'm stupidly banking on a snow day (the roads are covered and its only been snowing for 2 hours... and this is the light - medium snow portion!)
I guess I should at least do the important homework.. god.. must.. go to bed
2003-02-02 21:43:15
I feel really bad about what happened to the Columbia topic and hope not too many people are upset with me. My post was pertaining to the government and iraq in reply to what Giton said. Milo took offense and started the usual insult spewing. I replied to this and made sure to apologise for using that thread to do so. My words were "sorry to corrupt this thread, but as you know I've tried creating separate threads to discuss it and thats just brought about more insults"
In addition, the main point in my reply was this: instead of milo flaming me for my misconception about his POV on the war, he should correct me and we should discuss it humanely. My reply was _not_ meant to be ill natured.
Just wanted to clear that up :
2003-01-31 17:04:44
why does the : backslash face not work on these journals? Why TELL ME
: :/
questioning my method on this site (I'm such a mental weakling : )
2003-01-31 17:03:52
And now for a real journal entry:
I've been wondering whether it's better to have a stuck up, serious, intellectual attitude around here just because certain members are too retarted to realize that that isnt what this place is about. Certainly it would be easy enough to only post serious well thought out stuff and spend all my time writing long essays about things like, say, the government. Maybe I could turn my journal into my own personal why I hate religion and why religious people are morons article. But I was never that arrogant or assertive with my views. I never took this place as one where strict sincerety was a requirement. I only come here because its the best place to be able to chill out after the stress of the day and mess around for awhile. However, some people take it more seriously which is perfectly OK. What isn't ok is taking these opposing views and causing confliction between them. If I came here to be serious, I surely wouldnt waste my time bitching out people who come here for fun. Likewise, I dont mind the people who come here to chat about serious issues. However when they force their attitudes on other members it becomes a problem.
Thus the polarity continues. 'Grow up' and act serious for the purpose of... the purpose of what? Showing the community that I know how to write intelligent essays? I don't see any real advantage to posting in this tone other than to shut out milo's idiot accusations that I'm some sort of autistic depraved child incapable of making heads or tails of 'adult' issues. I'd much rather kid around with the other members here who are fun and funny people to be around. I don't force more stress on myself than needed, people who choose that path are grown up but in a sad and corrupt way. And I'm afraid talking about intellectual issues like government only shows wordly skin deep knowledge and wisdom. However, doing something like judging someone's personality based on their casual forum posts shows that the intelligence there only goes so far. Thats the epitomy of shallow if you ask me. Then theres hypocrisy which I wont even get in to. Maybe in the next issue of 'omg, I can write a big fucking long intelligent rant in my journal toololo'
So I ask you, what then, is it better to be 'childish' and enjoy time spent here and in life in general? Or would it be wiser in the end to care only about severity and being omg harsh stiff serious all the time. You decide that for yourself, just dont push your decision on someone else.
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:44:18