YuriCSPGRP (Yuri Motruk)
woot yea & butter is good for the digestive track....
2002-03-05 14:06:51
NOOOO this entry has nothing to do with bowel movemnets... wel none that I know of... Boy does it suck to be me atm... My Server Admin says I have .php suport... but for somereason all I get a shit load of code... hmmm that suggests to me that I DON'T have php support... Well maybe I don't have MySQL suport... gona send him an E-Mail with a peice of my mind... as soon as I can find it... that is about all that I have been doing is trying to get my new forum up and running & one of my friends took down the old one so I currently have no forum on my site =( I miss all the countless hours of nonsense that was posted there... sad times... anyway I will probably start my Cowboy Bebop video soon... that I have an Idea for a Trigun/Eva/Cowboy Bebop video... gona look on the site to c if anyone has tried it yet if not IT WILL BE MINE!!!!! I listened to song in question (HA IM NOT GOING TO TELL!!!!!) about 30 times in a row & all the lyrics fit with scenes from each of those animes =) anyway I think this is all from me today...
also eat butter it is good for you... I eat a whole stick a day I am slitly overwieght, then again I sit in front of a computer all day & dont exercise & I am just lazy... but that is besides the point... ta ta
Video Games RULE!!!!!
2002-02-28 15:00:45
well duh!!!
Just came out of the arcade room they have here at school... & I wonder why I NEVER WENT THERE BEFORE!!!! I dont know either. Well anyway I'm trying to set up a forum type thing on my server useing php & MySQL, god damn I wish I paid more attention in Programing classes :p
Doesnt matter atm, my server doesnt have php enabled I had to go over to the admins house & beat him in the face with a 9 iron till he would go install it... Then I relized... hmmmm if he is passed out in a bloody heep he can't install php or MySQL.... ohhh well at least I gotta hit the fucker who keeps fucking up my site cuz he says I have to much on it eventhough I bought 300 megs of space...using like 250 megs i think... & I am WAY under my like 25 gigs of bandwith I get a month. Kinda scary, I get that much for the price i pay... MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... I think I need to buy like 300 more megs of space...then like another 10 gigs of bandwith, damn i wish I won that 194 million Lotto the other week, I'd buy my own fucking server for my site, buy my ass 1 or 2 OC-48's then host some ppls vids from here on there...for lets say like $1 a video FLAT no mothly fee or if there is it would be something VERY CHEAP like $50 a year or some shit like that, something cheaper then hell, cuz well I HAVE LIKE 194 MILLION DOLLERS to blow.
okokokok... Anyway, back to the topic (Video Game RULE!!!!!) They got Soul Caliber here (IMO the best fghting game EVER!!!!) & lets just say I fucking kick ass as Asteroth & Misurugi/Aurther, kinda wierd the name of my 2nd fav char here in the arcade is Aurther, not Mitsurugi...hmmm ohh well.
I think I should go do some homework while I'm here at the school...NAH!!!!!! where is the fun in that? I know I dont know. Ok going to go complain on how these internet conections are slower then shit... ta ta
Orange Slice is good for the soul...
2002-02-14 18:35:35
Yup thats right I am drinking Orange River of Goodness while I type this at school to pass the time before my next class.
Might just be these machines @ school but for some reason I couldnt post on the forums today... kinda suct ass, cuz I really wanted to post stuff & be retarded & annoying & ...&..... well I can't think of anything else I would do other then that stuff =)
I would be the DBZ //00|3 that people call me... ask stupid questions & what not... But what the hell... baka... who am I kiding I wouldnt do that I'm to fucking lazy to type a whole bunch of shit like that out... At least I am become for active =p
ohhh yea for those of you that ACCTUALY read this shit that I spill from my brain so it doesnt fucking explode & I get a red goo all over this monitor. My website's 1st WebComic is up
If you like Sci-Fi, Battles with Heavan Hell & general stuff like that take a trip down to
go there & view the wonders that we call "The Last Guardian"
Ok enough about me... so what up wit joo?
Ohhh yea this isnt a chat room huh?
well piss on my shoe, I guess...hmmmmm... I have lost my train of thought... Ok gona go now bye bye
As I sit here & daze into nothingness....
2002-02-12 15:38:09
WOW.............Isnt nothingness fun?
gawd I hate school sometimes...I mean the in the upper CPU lab the air doesnt work & it is about 80 degrees up here (about 65 - 70) outside so it is like a blistering inferno. I normaly write this stuff on my website & my weekly rant & rave, but since I''m here I will indulge all of you with my stupidity. Well..... I just read Nailz review for Lord of Ballz from that one retard...fell out of my chair laughing...had the people in the LAB up here look at me funny like I was some kinda insane homicidal maniac....I am they just dont know it yet *SINISTER GRIN*
Still deciding to change my name so i'm not classived as "A DBZ N00BIE!!!!!!" & ppl try & cuzz me out in |_33+ where I am far supiriour then they.
Right now I got the names (Floating my head atm that is)
Lord Vegetable Head (Comming from my partner/friend who helps me run my website, calling my veggie all the time...go figure)
Bellnacdahbu (Don't ask I just made it up by typing letters together & loocking at a tocobell cup)
HuBaDuBa (again somethign I madeup as I named my computer @ home for the network)
NOTaDBZ//00|3!3 (......I dont know either)
GotChaos? (I dont think I can have the "?")
Igetapublikejukashon (hookt on foniks workt four me)
Ok I think that is it...but the vegetable Head one is the one I'm leaning too...just cuz...well i can DAMNIT...ok i think im gonna go now & kick myself in the face a few times & be impressed that I acctually pulled kicking myself in the face off.
Work on My Illness, trying to fix the interlace problem
2002-01-18 05:38:56
After about 2 weeks give or take a day or 2 of trying to get rid of my fucking interlace problem, I think I found out, I read, re-read & then re-re-read them. I kept trying diffrent settings in both Premiere & TMPGEnc messing around with setting, tweeking some setting default to otehrs, downloaded some diffrent codecs to try out, Huffy seems to be working the is 2:30 AM & I am about to crash. I have been working on this non stop since...7 PM I'm DAMN glad I got Cable & Dr Pepper with me & Kroq & MTV otherwise encoding would have sent me IN-FUCKING-SANE, damn some of those codecs take for fucking ever to export out of premiere...TMPGEnc well that is about an hour regardless of what settings I use =/ Anyway My Illness the FINAL CUT SHOULD be up & ready to download by....mmmm... Saturday morning or late Friday night when ever I decide to wake the fuck up....laterz
Current server time: Dec 26, 2024 10:38:56