Millenium Strife (Mi-Mi-Mikuru BEEAA---M!)
Another Milestone
2007-08-17 02:47:36
Reached 500 Stars on Knights of Fate. Here's a snapshot of the stats as of today.
Knights of Fate (2007-04-07) [hits: 2288][opinions: 6][star count: 501][star avg: 4.07] LOCAL (669)
400th Star on Knights of Fate
2007-07-12 19:45:41
Just wanted to record for the sake of recording that my latest AMV to date, Knights of Fate has hit it's 400th star rating, averaging at 4.08 per rating after 1752 hits and 536 downloads.
Thanks to those who have supported this project. I hope to come out with one that tops in the next year!
Dear Anon Commentor..
2007-07-07 01:53:07
To whoever wrote this as a quick comment for my Knights of Fate AMV:
"spoils the characters"
Welcome to the world of AMVs. In order to have a decent AMV these days, spoilers are a must, and people don't really know if they ARE spoilers unless otherwise told so. Maybe you should pay attention next time to the anime titles stated in the video, you know, the ones that indicate if an AMV has spoilers,
GREEN = Safe, relatively spoiler-free
Here's a number for you to call next time:
Knights of Fate Version 2 Up
2007-04-22 22:24:06
The new version of Knights of Fate is now up. Sorry for the delay.
Reawakening of Knights of Fate
2007-04-22 01:26:52
So, earlier today, I removed my Knights of Fate video from
Took some of the comments made by people to heart and reconsidered the structure of Knights of Fate.
Before I send it out to various conventions, I've decided to "tune" my AMV according to comments I've heard from viewers. While none of the scenes are changed other than some remastering and tweaks in effects and such, my major change was the ending. From what I've been hearing, it looked tacked on, and went on for 20-25 seconds AFTER the music ends... and the potential for spoilers was rampant.
While I was content with my 6:30 long project, I thought that the ending wasn't adding much to the video. When you think about it, if you have no music, and just have scenes placed to the end of a video, while meaningful, it won't help the video as a whole.
So with that, I took time to redo the ending after the final guitar resonance, and have it simply fade from the Fate/Stay Night logo's dissolve to a fade of a sepia image of Saber, and having my trademark "owari" fade in on the left side.
This made my video end basically when all sound was gone at the 6:10 mark. That cut a very awkward 20 seconds of footage and allowed the video to end with questions as to what happened in the end.
Upon rethinking this situation, this is how I should had done this ending in the first place. Now, there are no copies of my Sakura-Con version of my video on the org, and only online version is a very poor quality YouTube version. I am actually right now finalizing the upload of my shorter version of my video and it will available in about an hour.
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