Millenium Strife (Mi-Mi-Mikuru BEEAA---M!)
Past Project Updates
2007-02-08 02:11:04
Just for the sake of the record, here's my current stats for my other 2 projects I've done so far.
A Tribute to Mahoro (2005-04-08)
[hits: 1257][opinions: 5][star count: 210][star avg: 3.76]
I Guess That's Love (2006-03-24)
[hits: 517][opinions: 0][star count: 93][star avg: 3.83]
Project 3 Update!
2007-02-08 01:55:13
Just wanted to post that I am now 4:41 into my project. While I haven't done much in the last week or so, I do believe these last parts will fall into place quickly. After that, all there will be left is some minor touch ups, and resynching with other sequences to make sure the timing is right.
I'll probably be early for the Feb 28th Deadline, so no problems there. =3
Project 3 in progress
2007-01-24 00:07:53
Well, so far I've been working steadily from late November on SakuMaho Project 3, which will be about 6:15 long, by far the longest project I've done to date. I can't say much about it, except that it is NOT a Mahoromatic AMV (GASP!), but features one of my newer favorite shows.
Rest assured that I do have another Mahoromatic AMV in the works, it won't be the one I'll be entering into the Sakura-Con AMV contest this year.
Anyways, haven't updated in a long time (again), but I will be trying to keep up on stuff and maybe produce more than one project a year. (Yay)
I'm about 4:30 into my project now, and even if I get done before the deadline (end of February), I will be going back and editting some fine points into the AMV.
Also, if you compare this new project with my older ones, this is the most complex one I've made. I'll be using a vast array of effects and timing with the music piece I chose and I hope to convey the feeling of excitment both the anime and music that I got when I experienced both; hence why I felt the anime and music fit perfectly.
After Sakura-Con 2006 Contest
2006-03-29 13:47:01
Again, was not able to pull in an awards besides some personal comments by some people, since there was a video that swept 4 categories. o.o
Anyways, video is now up for viewing here:
Please take a look if you haven't already. ^^
Made Sakura-Con 2006 Cuts!
2006-03-14 05:22:26
My newest completed project entitled "I Guess That's Love" has ran through the Sakura-Con 2006 AMV Contest Gauntlet and came through a survivor! According to some sources, out of the 98 Working Videos sent in, only 49 of them made it to the final cuts to be shown during the 3 hour event this year! That's a 50% Survival Rate!
Also, it seems that the coordinator had to cut 40 extra minutes after the preliminary cuts, in order to fit into the time contraints. I'm sure that was the hard part of the job; having to cut videos that were perfectly suitable to have shown, but couldn't. That has to be a tough job....
In any case, my hard work has again paid off this year and I will have my video debut at the convention of my dreams; Sakura-Con! I've always had a certain affinity for Sakura trees and flowers and just the word 'Sakura', so I'm very proud to be both a staff member, attendee and participant at Sakura-Con. It also happens to be part of my Studio name here on the ORG as well. ^^
If you do happen to come to Sakura-Con this year and watch the AMV contest, please be on the look out for my video. I'm hoping it will again be a crowd pleaser and maybe even be award worthy. No matter the outcome, I am proud of my newest project, and I will definately share it with the AMV community as soon as it debuts.
Current server time: Jan 12, 2025 19:05:13