Millenium Strife (Mi-Mi-Mikuru BEEAA---M!)
2nd Project Entered into System and other news
2006-03-02 06:54:27
Just finished inputting all the information for my Mahoroba Project 2 into my profile, but it won't be displayed until it is premiered at Sakura-Con 2006, which is about 3 weeks away. Now, I'm being awfully optimistic, but I'm confident that my video will make the cut into Sakura-Con's AMV Contest, which is the convention I created the video for.
After that date, on the 26th, it will be available for downloading.
Did something with 2nd that I didn't do with my 1st project: Sent it to other conventions. I figured that the exposure would be nice, so I sent the video to a few cons that are right around the same time as Sakura-Con. Also, I'll try to just send it as exhibition to as many cons as I can.
Project Completed!
2006-02-28 06:21:49
Some happy news today!
After much editting, hard work and sleepless nights, I'm proud to say that my 2nd project has been completed. Currently dubbed "Sakuraba Mahoroba Project 2", I plan on having the video data up here on the org within the next day, and will probably wait until Sakura-Con to have it debut. That's roughly in a month or so, but maybe I'll break down and have it up for viewing before hand. No sure yet.
This video turned out to be much more complex than my first project. It contained about 108+ unique clips that had many more edits for synchronization with the music. Since the music I chose this time around actually had lyrics, it took more time to get the effect I wanted to achieve with this project. Also, it is worthy to mention that this project is nearly 2 times as long, duration wise. I don't even want to think about the time taken for this project from start to finish.
Despite all that, I am very happy with how this project turned out. I do hope people will enjoy it when I release it. ^^
Project One Update
2006-02-24 09:10:24
Just for the sake of the record, "A Tribute to Mahoro" has recieved 654 hits, been downloaded 172 times, 4 posted opinions, 4 quick comments, and 145 star ratings.
Average Star rating of about 3.69, so it is holding steady. Not bad for my first project. =)
Long neglected update
2006-02-24 09:06:26
Well, a lot has happened since my last update... and at the same time, not much. o-o;
Make sense? I'm sure it doesn't, but I'll try to explain what that means.
As people can plainly see, I haven't done much in the way of AMVs or Banners lately. I've been secretly planning and actually in the process of editting my newest video! This project is again being aimed at being in the Sakura-Con 2006 AMV contest, and I really think it's a lot better than my last video, which was my first. Be that as it may, I'm still very proud of my first project, as it has been getting steady hits and comments on it.
Anyways, I actually just made another banner as well which is pending approval from my peers here on It is simple, clean and to the point. I do hope it gets approved though. Only have one other banner, so we need to get those numbers up, ne?
Video Project is going well, I'm hoping to have it premiere at Sakura-Con this year. That's about it. ^^
100 Stars
2005-09-20 16:32:56
Just wanted to throw a small plug out there for my video, "A Tribute to Mahoro", that just got 100 star ratings. It's holding steady at about 3.7 with almost 400 hits.
It's been about 6 months since I created the video and it is my first project completed and published to the public, so I think it's doing quite well so far.
So, just throwing that out. If you have time, please take a look at it. *Chuckle*
Oh yeah, my first banner just got approved and awaiting voting, so hopefully it becomes worthy. =)
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