Millenium Strife (Mi-Mi-Mikuru BEEAA---M!)
2005-09-19 18:19:47
Well, after a long time of not doing anything on the site, I got some inspiration to start some banners and have just uploaded my first completed banner. Hopefully people give it worthy votes so that it may be viewed by the many people who visit the site daily.
As for my AMV projects, I have several in ming at this time. I'm in the process of planning some videos just for the sake of doing them, and for contest entries. As of now, I'm only focusing on the Sakura-Con AMV Contest since it's the next convention I'm am planning on attending. I may enter more than one video, or I may have many done to distribute to many contests. We will see.
Thank you again to everyone who has taken the time to watch my one video, it is getting a lot of nice comments and ratings, so I think I did a pretty decent job with it, which is a good thing to see. ^^
Sakuracon 2005 AMV
2005-04-12 01:21:45
Well, the convention is over and the AMVs have been viewed, and with that, my video has made it's much waited premiere (for me at least). While I did not win an award, I was privilaged to have my first video debute alongside so many awesome entries in this year's Sakuracon AMV Contest. Just to be selected and have my video shown was reward enough.
Oh, and the video title was "A Tribute to Mahoro".
So, as I promised, the video is being uploaded as we speak and will be available for downloading shortly. I have already entered information on the video and already had some people hit. Probably due to the "new video" sidebar on the main site. I hope people don't get discouraged since it is not yet ready for download. (69% done as of... NOW).
Anyways, I'm happy to publish this to the public and I hope I get some good comments and reviews on it. If you do get a chance to see it, please let me know anything you had in mind when you did view it. I was trying to envoke emotion from the audience and would love to know what emotions you had when you saw it.
2005-03-01 00:08:06
Finally encoded the final version of my project... with NO artifacts~! Thank you to AbsoluteDestiny & ErMaC for their guide in the How-To section for troubleshooting this problem due to Premiere Pro's less-than-reliable plugin support.
Just finished watching the final version, and I was almost moved to tears.. even though I've watched these scenes multiple times during the lsat 2 weeks, you'd think I'd grow desensitized to it... but nope, the footage is still as powerful as ever.. well, to me at least.
I would hope my audience would feel the same way, which is the purpose of my creating this project in the first place.
Well, still debating on wheather or not to place this video up for viewing before the Sakuracon debut. I'm not sure if any other people have this sort of problem, but definately the video will be available after April 10th.
So if you're intrigued in any way about my project, hope you'll take the time to view it. ^^
I'm out.. for now.
2005-02-28 07:18:39
After about a total of 40+ hours in the making, this video is near completion... and it is only a modest 3 minutes long.. but the effort is well worth it, since this will be Sakuraba Animation's first premier.
I am quite pleased with the results so far, just need some little touchups and final encoding, then all I have to do is upload it to the Sakuracon's AMV FTP, well in time for the deadline. YAY
So, yeah, I'm exhausted and have some homework yet to do, but I'll take care fof that later.. now it's time for sleep. *Pats Canal (PC's name) as she encodes* ^^;
Almost... *
2005-02-28 02:30:37
Let it be known that the current font for entering a journal entry is TOO gray and initally TOO small for.. hence my horrid typos...
Current server time: Jan 13, 2025 01:22:27