JOURNAL: Millenium Strife (Mi-Mi-Mikuru BEEAA---M!)

  • Akmost... 2005-02-28 02:29:36 Have about 50 more seconds to edit and render... I'm quite happy with the current timing my video has with the music, it's even more difficult since it is an instrumental only track.. I already said that~.. heh. oh well.

    Right now is very hard since I have to plant clips just as I planned so the ending turns out the way I want, trying very hard to not have junk filler in the timeline, and so far so good. ^^ (at least I think so... even though I still think my video will be less than spectactular)

    Hmm, still debating on whether or not to have it on the site before the Sakuracon premier, or maybe perhaps I'll just make another one for the extended planned version of this particular video.. *Doesn't know if that made sense..*

    Oh well.. *edit edit*

    Let it be noted that I am totally neglecting my homework right now to get the finishing touches put onto this video for the deadline.

  • Update on the vid... 2005-02-27 20:52:04 Hey all,

    Sorry about the lack of updates, but just like AMVs, college takes a life of it's own. Well, plugging along with the video, and with one day before the Sakuracon video submission deadline. Heh.. ^^;;

    I have about a minute or so of footage to edit and render, and after watching some more AMVS recently, I'm feeling so-so about mine. Well, maybe I'm being hard on myself, since this IS my first video and I'm working with an instrumental track. I'm trying to draw emotion solely from music and the visuals.. when I think about that way, I suppose it's not that bad.

    Now, I'm only using Premiere Pro (thank god for educational versions) so maybe I'll use some After Effects to spice it up... hopefully. o.o;;; Seems like a bland program, but hopefully it'll prove otherwise.

    Well, running through a test encoding, so I'll post more information as it comes.

    Wish me luck...

  • Started Journal and other things... 2005-02-13 22:58:12 Well, became a member of about 2 days ago, which was inspired by my desire to make an AMV about a certain anime which is very dear to my heart.

    Not only did I complete semi-non-stop marathon of it, I took the DVDs of it and started an extensive rip of the entire series, hopefully to be used in multiple videos.

    These will be my first projects, so I hope they turn out well. With the guidance of this site and it's members, we'll see what I can produce with my inspiration.

    Thank you, keep you posted on thw happens of my work! 
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