Dvl-Jigen (Jason Proto)
This is gonna be my last journal post for a while
2010-10-13 21:07:23
Hey everyone, just to clarify. No, this is not an emo post, and no obviously, I'm not dead (as you can probably tell from the fact that I'm posting something here)
Moving on, the reasoning behind this being my last post for a while is because it's come to my attention that quite honestly, I have little to no interest in making AMV's anymore, granted that's mostly fueled by the situation of my laptop, and the fact I have no money period right now.
So, until further notice I am going to officially stop making AMV's.
Hopefully I will gain the interest to make AMV's again (as well as the money to get a new laptop to facilitate that endeavor) and if/when that happens, I will return.
Thank you for spending the time to read this
Dvl-Jigen, Dvl-Productions
Yes, I know I just posted a journal entry yesterday
2010-06-19 20:16:00
But, I updated the blog site, so I figured I'd post an entry here to let everyone know, so go read it
That is all
I felt like posting a new entry, enjoy
2010-06-17 14:02:16
For those of you who are wondering, why my website is down its cause I couldn’t afford the monthly fees for it, so I had it taken down, it will be up again when money isn’t tight for me. Luckily the blog site is still up (though I haven’t posted anything there in a REALLY long time, so go figure) anyways, I figured seeing as how I have your attention, (I’m assuming I have your attention if you’re reading this) I’m not going to be making AMVs for a while, mainly because my editing computer (my laptop) underwent some minor “repairs” and well, it came out of it slightly retarded, so because of that I can’t really do much editing with it (I have been trying to edit with it, but it crashes). Also for those of you who’ve received quick comments with “~Dvl-Jigen” at the end of them, that would be me, I’ve decided to start doing that for each of my quick comments mainly cause I don’t feel like being anonymous about my comments toward people’s videos. Well, I suppose that’s everything I feel like sharing today, if anyone cares to know about how my laptop became retarded, or what I mean by retarded, let me know and I’ll post a blog about it, or just PM me and I’ll tell you. Anyways thanks for reading.
Plah~ update time
2009-12-04 02:50:51
just thought I'd update my journal, (no I didn't die)
My website's up again, it should be up for a while, (until I decide to try to update it again) also, I am aware that the site's got a few errors. (I'm going to fix them... eventually, I hope)
Other than that not much else to say so nya!
In case anyone wants to check out my site, the address is
Offencive *explanitive* goes here.
2009-09-13 10:52:47
Yeah, I know I most likely spelled that wrong, and I really don't care,
Anyways, just thought I'd update everyone on a few things,
AMVs: Well, basically my editing (or time for editing, I should say) has gone to the wayside, mainly because of a lot of IRL crap, (job, school, home life) mostly home life though, I'll pretty much be out on my ass by the first of October if my girlfriend/fiance (she hasn't decided if she'll say yes or not yet) and I don't find an apartment soon. Also on a side note, I havn't had much time to watch anime, let alone edit with it.
Life: For the most part, for me life has been "OK" not great, but not bad either so I guess you could say that I can't complain.
Work: My job is boring, one of my co-workers is a jack-ass, and no matter how well I'm doing at the job, I still feel I won't pass my 90 days, so yeah, stress.
School: Not failing, but I doubt I'm passing... by much.
so yeah, that's all for my update... oh, also I feel a random spell coming on, so I think I'll be doing something random, so here it is.
ta da! my myspace page... ADD ME!
that is all.
Current server time: Jan 07, 2025 16:25:56