JOURNAL: Dvl-Jigen (Jason Proto)

  • AH! DARNIT!! 2009-04-30 17:22:30 Well, looks like I'm stuck for now with Movie Edit Pro 15, when I installed the accursed thing, I uninstalled version 14 and now I can't find the box for it, which means I can't reinstall it, although, I have to admit, despite it's annoying flaws, the program is kinda nice, I still can't get over the change in how key-framing is done, but I suppose I could get used to it, I do however like how the interface is more customizable, which makes things easier some times, anyway, I should have something new out soon, I think 
  • AH! I just wasted $89.99 >_< 2009-04-28 17:50:02 Yes, you read correctly, I just wasted $89.99 I bought Magix Movie Edit Pro 15, thinking it's be as good as version 14, better even, I was sorely disappointed, I'm going to go throw phone books at unsuspecting victims now. 
  • Working on something new... 2009-04-13 18:12:41 and freakin awesome

    all I have to say is "scotty doesn't know"

    also, thanks go to MorningStar Press for the animation work for this project.

    too bad it's not something I can post here, (it's kinda bad, something about X-Rated Chibi's doesn't seem like a good idea to put on the Org)

    anyhow, it should be done soon, and when it is, I'll post a link to it, maybe, (it depends on how bad it is) 
  • I miss internets 2009-04-06 18:35:00 library internets suck ass, I'll leave it at that. 
  • having a short attention span... 2009-03-18 16:44:39 really su....... ooh look a bird! 
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