Dvl-Jigen (Jason Proto)
Ah Joy!
2009-02-19 20:57:30
Not so patiently waiting for uploads to become enabled again, as some of you probably know, patience is certainly NOT my strong suit. Also, on a side note this is my third journal post today, seriously what the hell!?!?! anyways, I think I'm done now,
(I'll most likely post something again later today...... maybe)
Forgot to mention this earlier
2009-02-19 14:15:46
I updated my profile..... yay
That will be all
Thank you
Soul Eater
2009-02-19 13:59:05
So, I finally started watching Soul eater the other day, (yeah I know I'm really behind the times here) and well, I gotta admit, it's pretty awesome, I can see why people like Chiikaboom like it so much. now to go watch more of it, won't be doing an AMV to it anytime soon though.
New video out
2009-02-14 22:19:25
just submitted the AMV for my 4th anniversary hope everyone enjoys it, I'll be uploading the high quality version once uploads are fixed, but until then, here's the youtube link to it, (yeah, I know I said I'd never put my stuff on youtube, but I decided to do something different for once)
Also, website should be updated soon too, here's the address
And as usual with my videos, comments and opinions are always welcome, in fact, they're encouraged
Dvl-Productions' 4th anniversery
2009-02-13 22:19:02
Yes, surprisingly it's been 4 whole years since dvl-productions came into being, so in celebration of this, I will be releasing a video, not just any video though, this video is the product of the past 4 years, basically the idea for this video has been 4 years in the making, an d as of tomorrow, it'll be done, (yes, I'm not done making it, I'm still waiting on a scene, which I can't seem to find) anyways, the video will be submitted tomorrow and I'll be posting a blog entry about it tomorrow as well
Here's to another 4 years of making AMV's and hopefully better than the last 4 years worth :P
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 22:28:15