JOURNAL: Dvl-Jigen (Jason Proto)

  • A Random Anouncement 2009-02-09 07:40:56 I have an announcement, being sick, f*cking sucks, especially when your eyelids swell up to twice the size and you can hardly see. (one of the messed up side effects of my body when I get sick, I puff up like a freakin balloon.) GAWD! I CAN'T WAIT TIL I'M NOT SICK ANYMORE!

    Oh, by the way, I posted a new blog entry

    ok, I think I'm going to try to go back to bed now, good night Z_Z

    HAHA, the initials of this entry spell ara.... nevermind, old bad inside joke, I go bed sleep time now -_- 
  • Just a quick note 2009-02-06 13:15:28 So, I'm thinking of redoing a few of my old videos, (mainly some of the ones that were originally made with fansub anime, yes I'm aware that it's bad) anyways, just thought I'd share that with everyone, I find it funny that I only most random/meaningless posts with I'm sick, (in case anyone is wondering, I have a cold, nose is stuffed up, and I can't see straight, but other than that, I'm OK) anywho, I'm done for now, so I guess that's all for now, as usual, be sure to check out the website, and the blog site. (I'm sure there will be something random there soon)

  • Website update 2009-01-23 13:15:24 Hopefully some time today the Dvl-Productions website will be updated, I've decided to make the site look more like an AMV group's website instead of a business website, so hopefully I did well on it, all that's left to do is upload it to the server which I intend to do that soon... I hope

    Anywho, in case anyone cares, the website's address is so come check it out once the site's uploaded.

    Also, I know I said I'd make a post about Windows 7, but I haven't had the chance to install it yet, (mainly cause I have no extra hard drive space for it at the moment.) but once I clear out some space for it, it's going on my laptop. 
  • Being a beta tester for microsoft is WIN!!!!!! 2009-01-16 23:52:57 Well, just got the windows 7 beta from Microsoft, in other words, I win.

    I'll post again later once I get this badass installed

    Oh, and for those who know what the game is, you just lost

    for those of you who don't know what that is, just google "I lost the game" and you'll see what I'm talking about. 
  • I'm not going to give this entry a title..... wait a sec, damnit O.o 2008-12-30 00:50:28 ok, well, you know how I said I wasn't going to be working on videos for a while, (it's ok if you didn't notice/care) well, that's now void, mainly cause I have nothing better to do at the moment. plus I kinda got this one song stuck in my head, (that's usually how it starts) anyways, I should have something out soon, (NOT soon) I just need to finish with the keyframe animation, (yeah I know, odd hearing ME say that I'm using keyframe animation, but yeah, my next video will have keyframe animation, LOTS of it. Mainly cause that's what I'm currently learning to do, sad ain't it?)

    Also, not that it matters, but still looking for people to join dvl-productions, so if you're interested, PM me or go to the website



    thanks for reading 
Current server time: Jan 10, 2025 05:07:08