Dvl-Jigen (Jason Proto)
New bloggy goodness and laziness
2012-11-01 16:51:55
Made a new blog entry for those of you who're interested in my work, check it out here
Also, I made a short AMV for Halloween. Link is here.
Lastly, Anime-Conji (The local anime convention in my area) is only FIVE months away, and I'm debating whether I should start working on my video for the contest now, or if I should wait another month or two, decisions, decisions
New video... Again
2012-10-23 15:27:07
So, I've finished yet another AMV, this'll be the fourth AMV I've done in the past month and a half, which, for those of you who don't know me, that's quite a record.
As I type this I'm in the process of uploading it to YouTube, and it should be available on the Org, sometime today.
On a semi-unrelated note: I've noticed that with my recent videos, I'll tend to upload them to YouTube first, then to the Org and to the other sites I upload my AMVs to, it used to be I'd upload to the Org first, but lately it just seems to be habit to put it on youtube first. Antways, I'm rambling, again.
2012-10-09 16:36:45
Everything I try to encode today looks like CRAP
*Flips Table*
*calmly puts table back*
On a lighter note, I got a QC on my lucky star video, so I'm happy for that, still need to formulate a response to the opinion I got for my Black Rock Shooter AMV though.
NOTE: I'm never good at that kind of thing, don't know why, I'm just not good at it.
Yes, I'm rambling, for no reason, it happens, no I'm not sick (long-time fans of me should know by now that I ramble like this usually when I'm sick)
In other news, I've come to realize that I should REALLY try harder to make friends in the AMV community, so at the risk of sounding like a COMPLETE dork, here goes. To ALL AMV folks here, I WISH TO BE YOUR FRIEND
OK, I feel like a dork now, I'm gonna go now :P
SO Many ideas flowing from my brain!
2012-10-07 02:03:22
So as of late, I've been coming up with literally TONS of AMV ideas, and luckily, my computer's actually allowing me to visualize said ideas. (for those of you who don't know, my computer is kind of crap lately, and with my current job situation, buying/building a new one is entirely out of the question)
Anyways, the main point of this entry is to inform everyone that I've finished a new AMV
Here's a link to the announcement thread, go check it out!
Nothing breeds motivation to edit like someone saying your vids aren't good enough!
2012-09-27 17:01:00
Long title is long, sorry for that.
So, exactly one week ago, I auditioned for an MEP (mostly because I want to get a bit more "well known" and I was told that that's how people do it.) needless to say, I was rejected. The reason, you ask? According to the person hosting the MEP, my videos "aren't good enough" for their MEP. Normally I'd simply brush it off and go on with my day like nothing happened, but for some reason, this sent me into an editing rampage. I don't know why I got so angry about it, but I did and it gave me the motivation I've needed to work my ass off as an editor again. All in all, despite the fact that the first time I auditioned for an MEP I got rejected, I'm still going to continue to audition and with any luck, get my name out there a little.
Be sure to check out the video I made from this editing rampage.
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