JOURNAL: Dvl-Jigen (Jason Proto)

  • A few updates, a new YT channel, and a new video. Yay me! 2012-09-26 16:28:11 So, I've been quite a bit lacking on the updates as of late. I have an excuse, I just don't have a valid one....

    Anyways, as the title of this entry implies, I have a new YouTube channel, I chose to make a new one because I want to have one specifically for my AMVs, so for those of you who enjoy my videos, the link is here.

    Also, I've been doing a bit of work on a few projects, one of which is here.
    I might upload it here, though I don't know yet, but once I decide, I'll post a link.

    Lastly, if you're a fan of my work, I have a facebook fan page, so go like it, link is here.

    And of course, if you didn't already know, I've got a twitter, so go follow me if you like my videos. 
  • Pleh, I'm a nerd! 2012-06-08 00:38:32 so, I've recently been watching a lot of MEPs and frankly, I want to do one myself, only problem with that idea is.... I know next to NO one in the AMV community (not intentionally, I'm just one of those socially awkward folks who doesn't know how to do the whole social thing online for the most part.) Wow, I feel even more like a nerd now. There's also the problem of, well, frankly, I feel I need to get better at editing before I can edit with someone else. Anyways, this is just my random thoughts brewing up thanks to cold meds, (yes, I get random when I'm sick, so pleh) 
  • Finally finished. 2012-06-02 14:38:59 So, it's taken weeks, but I finally finished working on my new AMV "streamline" Youtube link is here:

    Forum announcement post is here:

    And last but not least download link is here:

    Enjoy, and let me know what you think 
  • AMV Preview time! 2012-06-01 21:53:53 Here's a little preview of the current video I'm working on, be sure to let me know what you think 
  • A few updates and crap 2012-04-06 23:26:17 Ok, so Anime Conji is over and done with, I didn’t win, but at least I had a ton of fun, met new friends and even did a bit of cosplay.

    Anyways, on to the updates.

    The Dvl-Productions website is officially up and running, I’ll be uploading my videos to it once I have the free time to do so. Also Dvl-Productions now has a Twitter, it can be found on my profile. I’ve also uploaded quite a few videos to Youtube (a link can be found, once again, on my profile)

    Speaking of my profile, it’s been updated, so check it out.
Current server time: Jan 04, 2025 04:48:56