Hmm....Furi Kuri...that doesn't sound too tasty....
2002-11-19 20:05:53
The title is what my friend said when explaining FLCL. I prefer to call it Furi Kuri instead of Fooly Cooly. But, that's just me.
Well, our local Suncoast it totally decked out in Rankin/Bass whatnot, and I could not be happier. See, I LOOOOVE anime, but I'm a total sucker for those old school claymation films. I got me a Heat Miser/Snow Miser shirt. Too bad it's about 3 sizes to big (stubborn, aren't I?) Well, I can use it to sleep in or something (C'mon, you know when you were little you got one of your dad's shirts to sleep in and some PJ pants?....was I the only one who did that?!). Lucky for me, my mom bought it for me. She's got a policy. She'll buy any clothes for me, seeing as how my wardrobe is about 2 shirts and a pair of pants, and the occasional $5 action figure when she's in a good mood, but anything over $15 i have to buy. Thank god that I can ocaasionally get some Love Hina or Evangelion out of her.
Woah.....I just got really dizzy....the flu's been goin' 'round lately.....Uh...I think I'll lie down and watch some Fushigi Yuugi. Chichiri is my bitch.
This speech is my recital, I think it's very vital, to rock a rhyme that's right on time...
2002-11-18 18:47:25
Ah. Run DMC. It's Tricky. I am very tired. We have not had a single break from school since Labor Day. But, no worries. I just got FOUR MORE DAYS....then I can have the entire Thanksgiving break off. The prez of our anime club mentioned having a meeting sometime over the break. She better hurry up an tell me so I can tell everyone else before they leave on vacation.
Speaking of the club, I'd like to sell my soul to the shameless world of advertising even more by adding a link to the club.
Jeez I need to update it so much. I'll do it after I submit this. It's a pretty good page, seeing as how it was thrown together in 15 minutes at first.
I guess I'll go update it now...'s tricky to rock a rhyme to rock a rhyme that's right on time, it's tricky. How is it? Tricky, tricky, tricky......
Djmihoshi-Spanking your Emus since 1987!
2002-11-17 15:23:54
...I just noticed that you can make any sentence funny with the adding of the words "Spank" and "Emu". Really. Take a depressing thing like "Son, your mom died"...and make it "Son, your mom died from spanking emus" and you've got one funny sentence...
...Uh. That was an Excel Saga moment. Did anyone watch Inu Yasha last night? Bah, that's my least favorite episode. I didn't even like the manga version. They're supposed to be getting Shikon Shards, not saving dorky little girls who died.
now if you'll excuse me, I hear the ice cream man....
WOAH! This title is a Slayers Parody!
2002-11-16 21:58:52
Guess what ol' DJmihoshi got? Rurouni Kenshin DVD #2! That may not be a big deal for a lot of you, but seeing as how I have no job and am lucky If I can scrounge up 5 cents a week, this was a big deal! (my last anime I bought-Rurouni Kenshin August) The only way I get all my anime fix is either settle for dubbed/heavily edited on TV, or get it thru our ATN (Anime Trade Network. Someone gets a new anime/manga, the entire school ends up passing it around like currency watching it then giving it to a friend. You end up learing who will never return it and/or who returns it in horrible condition. It's Quite complex, really.)
Ah, perhaps I should mention our anime club, and put a lame advertisement in my very own Journal. It's pretty kickass, even if the average # of attendants is only about 7. Next meeting, we're watching DNA^2 and more Chobits! Woo! too bad it's DECEMBER 6TH.
...about 14 days til ITZACON! Anyone coming, look for me! I'll be the fangirl in the No Face costume. It's all about the Cosplay, baby.
2002-11-15 20:07:03
Wow. This is the first time I've even bothered looking at the journal section of A guy at school was saying that I should really start doing the journal thing cuz it's fun. I'm really not good with journals. I'll start 'em then do it for a week or so and then forget. Yeesh....
....I made a list of all the anime I have ever watched. Jeez. I have not seen any of the greats. People were shunning me at school cuz I had never seen Escaflowne or Princess Mononoke!
I am DJmihoshi: Anime Virgin.
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