JOURNAL: Aetherfukz (Chris Sperl)

  • ei'll be back </arnieVoice> 2003-09-05 04:50:22 Oh yeah, my next entry in this journal after an abundance of about half a year. I had holidays in august, but now in september I have to work again - civil service. That is what you can choose to do here in austria, if you don't wanna join the army at the age of 18/19 for a year.

    Well, anyho' I really can'T understand what is going on with the politicians these days. Like Arnold Schwarzenegger - WTH is he thinking, IF he is thinking?
    His greatest arguements are "Vote for me, because THEY ARE BAD!"

    Hmmm... that sounds familiar.... Oh I gotta go, weekend is calling and my work for today is done ^_^ 
  • you know what ^_^ 2002-12-24 15:42:02 Merry Christmas (or Hanukah [however that is written ^^-] or something, but everything's cool) and happy holidays to all of you! ^_^ 
  • LotR - the two rants ^_^ 2002-12-19 06:38:52 Well... the Lord of the Rings - the two Towers started 2 days ago with the premiere, and is now officially airing here too. But I don't know what to do right now... watch the movie right now in german, or wait until January, the 7th until it airs in original english too.
    Oh, how I'd love to see this movie in english on the big screen. But I don't know if I can wait any longer to see it, a few friends of me were at the premiere, and everyone, also here on the org, is says that is absolutely rocks!
  • well... not much goin on here 2002-12-17 01:55:26 As the title states, there isn't really much going on here.
    Saturday I bought Battlefield 1942, and all I can say, that game really kicks major ass! It's like a first person dream come true (well, not a dream of war actually, just the dream of a warGAME ^_^)
    Saying this, I think I wont have the time to fuck around with my system this week. Since about a month now I tried everything to get any MJPEG codec to work, but neither MorganMultimedia's or PicVideo's worked out. Everthing just keeped crashing. So I deinstalled Premiere, but I haven't reinstalled it until now... have to do this sometime this week's afternoons.

    Anyway, with next week being Christmast, and I think I will take a few days off work, so I can have about 1 and a half week holidays.

    Oh my work sucks THAT much. I hate my civil service, although I have it much better than my buddies in the army.... but that's just another matter. 
  • long ass survey, stolen from broken_muse 2002-12-06 04:24:58 // series one - as usual

    -- Name: Chris Sperl a.k.a Aetherfukz
    -- Birthdate: July, 13, 1982
    -- Current Location: My own private hell, Austria
    -- Eye Color: lovely blue
    -- Hair Color: light to dark brown, somewhere in-between
    -- Righty or Lefty: Righty
    -- Zodiac Sign: Cancer
    -- Innie or Outtie: Does it really matter?

    // series two - describe

    -- Your heritage: Austrian/German
    -- The shoes you wore today: my ol' Globe Sneakers
    -- Your hair: Most time hidden under my cap, other times sticky with gel...
    -- Your weakness?: Chips and my overall lazyness
    -- Your fears: Mainstream Pop, Absolute Darkness
    -- Your perfect pizza: much tomatoes, orion, and stuff...
    -- One thing you'd like to achieve: Respect

    // series three - what is

    -- Your most overused phrase on aim: either "hehe" or "wassup?"
    -- Your thoughts first waking up: "Hope today is weekend..."
    -- Your best physical feature: My eyes
    -- Your bedtime: always too late, around 1-2 am
    -- Your greatest fear: darker than absolute darkness -_-
    -- Your greatest accomplishment: Can't think of any yet, maybe to grow up that good.
    -- Your most missed memory: the few days I had with my first love

    // series four - you prefer

    -- Pepsi or Coke: Ice- and Green/Red tea - no coke at all
    -- McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King, but there is only McD around here
    -- Single or group dates: Single
    -- Adidas or Nike: Nike
    -- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton
    -- Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla with chocolate chips
    -- Cappuccino or coffee: self-brewed coffee, but cappuccino at the pub
    -- Boxers or briefs: always boxers

    // series five - do you

    -- Smoke: Too much, and not only cigs ;q
    -- Cuss: hell yeah!
    -- Sing well: Not good enough for singing, but for rappin' it fits well
    -- Take a shower everyday: Sure
    -- Have a crush(es): had a few, but not at the time
    -- who are they: my ex-girlfriends, hehe
    -- Do you think you've been in love: think so
    -- Want to go to college: kind of (Austrian "Fachhochschule")
    -- Like high school: the last year before graduation clearly rocked! (Austrian Higher Technical School)
    -- Want to get married: if I find the right girl, I will, maybe
    -- Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: When I'm not smokin', yes.
    -- Believe in yourself: every day!
    -- Get motion sickness: not at all
    -- Think you're attractive: not the hottest, but I like myself...
    -- Think you're a health freak: absolutely no!
    -- Get along with your parents: Far better now then a year ago...
    -- Like thunderstorms: It can't rain all the time - yep.
    -- Play an instrument: no

    // series six - in the past month, did/have you

    -- Drank alcohol: no
    -- Smoke(d): alot
    -- Done a drug: although I don't count it as a drug per-se, yeah, chillin'
    -- Have Sex: nope :'(
    -- Made Out: yes
    -- Go on a date: yes
    -- Go to the mall?: kind of mall
    -- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: what are oreos?
    -- Eaten sushi: no, but I wanna try one time
    -- Been on stage: do school presentation count? then yes.
    -- Been dumped: Nah
    -- Gone skating: long time - no skate
    -- Made homemade cookies: my granny made them for me ^_^
    -- Been in love: Nah
    -- Gone skinny dipping: ??
    -- Dyed your hair: sure not
    -- Stolen anything: Everything I can catch in Morrowind

    // series seven - have you ever

    -- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: Sure, and I won ^_^
    -- If so, was it mixed company: of course!
    -- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: uhm, no
    -- Been caught "doing something": not in the last month
    -- Been called a tease: Nah
    -- Gotten beaten up: Last time in grammar schoool
    -- Shoplifted: never
    -- If so, did you get caught: it wasn't me!
    -- Changed who you were to fit in: I never did, and never will!!!

    // series eight - the future

    -- Age you hope to be married: don't know, age doesn't count
    -- Numbers and Names of Children: 1 boy, probably Horus or Lunar if a girl
    -- Describe your Dream Wedding: with all my friend and people I love
    -- How do you want to die: with honor and style, fighting for something I believe in.
    -- Where you want to go to college: Salzburg / Austria
    -- What do you want to be when you grow up: a serious pothead ^_^
    -- What country would you most like to visit: Netherlands, England

    // series nine - opposite sex

    -- Best eye color?: blue and green
    -- Best hair color? hot red!
    -- Short or long hair?: long
    -- Best height: 1,60~1,70 meters (something under 5'9")
    -- Best weight: don't know it just has to look adorable :)
    -- Best articles of clothing: tops and short skirts
    -- Best first date location: ice dealer
    -- Best first kiss location: cinema or my room ^_^

    // series ten - number of

    -- Number of girls I have kissed in my life: 8
    -- Number of girls you have made out with: around 20 or so...
    -- Number of girlfriends you've had: 6
    -- Number of boys I have kissed: I prefer vagina

    -- Number of boys you have made out with: That's gross!
    -- Number of boyfriends you've had: None. And I like it that way.
    -- Number of drugs taken illegally: 1 "substance"
    -- Number of people I could trust with my life: 6
    -- Number of CDs that I own: Don't make me count
    -- Number of piercings: None
    -- Number of tattoos: one, a wolf coming out of my left shoulder
    -- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: 2
    -- Number of scars on my body: 3 or 4
    -- Number of things in my past that I regret: just 1 or 2, with the girls 
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