JOURNAL: Rurouni K (Jozef )

  • Well here i am i m back on the scene 2002-10-27 15:27:17 except its to just let ya all know im going to be makin vids for a site now so its a pretty cool site im the new media head so yea swing by check it out its addy is so and if you get the time do me a favour and register here itll helpo me out in the game and oyu may enjoy playin it has much has i do so catch you all lata bibi

  • SPECIFYING THE DRIVE THROUGH ORDER TO GO ! 2002-10-12 01:07:54 Well it has been an extraordinare time away i am in the process of re claiming and fixing any thing i didnt trash through frustration who knows perhaps i will make that blood video but not beofr june at the most likly i may start at christmas but on and off so doubtful it will be done right away but anyway its so fu(king late here so im passing out now i have a party to go to tomorow that i probably wont recover from untill next week sometime so lata all and rember sleepy says smoke drugs drink alot so what if your liver rotes how many old people do you see who never drink or smoke up weed well heres a leason all will learn that addictions are a bitch oh and dont ever learn!!lol no reason why just said sometin lata! 
  • WOW long time 2002-08-12 03:17:49 Wow I had not even noticed how much time it has passed since i have took a break from amvs . Well to all who care i now do this in the only free time when i get it which isnt a lot since i have to work on me and my matyes from aus and NZ's web desighn company its nto up yet so if you go and view it and click on something that is not our site you see we just used that has a way for a mate to shwo us if he got skills not reallly lol but hes good with audio bu tif you swing by to check it out righ ton if not next time if you want site made for you email the person it says thanks for your time to read my pathetic life or so i say and the reson there is so many mistakes its 1:16 am here and i havent slepped yet su mee!!!!!!!! 
  • its overpassed 2002-07-28 16:40:20 ok ive fixded the snag i was talking about so i should be able to get on working with it has long has everything goes acording to plan and all works ill tell you if it does latar untill then SHIBBY!!!!!! 
  • on hold 2002-07-26 01:20:51 ive run into a snag on m y blood so it might take mor then a few months to work it out so untill i figure my snag out ill be doing a new vid peace  
Current server time: Jan 12, 2025 12:58:08