JOURNAL: Kai Stromler (Kai Stromler)

  • when winter skies are grey 2015-06-09 08:44:18
    - Source rip: complete
    - Music: ripped, not edited yet
    - Precleaning: complete
    - Storyboard/planning: nebulous
    - Clipping: complete
    - Edit: none
    - Postproc: none

    Despite more vocab than expected or probably really needed and having to multitrack clipping with other stuff, I finished the cut last night and should be able to get the source loaded and make some kind of a decision on how I want to approach song edit tonight. Actual edit process is probably going to need to wait until the weekend, but on getting there, the edit process should probably go pretty smoothly; there's a lot of space in the music and with a tempo between 60 and 75 there is not likely to be the call for a lot of sub-second intercutting. Not having begun, it's tricky to call, but tempos are what tempos are, and with more experience reacquired, I continue to get more comfortable thinking about how things are going to fit together.

    --Kai out

  • both draw near 2015-06-08 14:19:38
    - Source rip: complete
    - Music: ripped, not edited yet
    - Precleaning: complete
    - Storyboard/planning: nebulous
    - Clipping: 50%
    - Edit: none
    - Postproc: none

    So I ended up cancelling the total-disassociation idea over the weekend -- I got about a third of the way through, but nothing new was being created and the chorus was being fucking intolerable -- and switched gears over to what probably will end up being the last SH project before I go off to try to avoid getting killed in Shiretoko, Aokigahara, and other places in between. The source is about half cut and looking pretty good, but I need to beat on the music with a hammer to 1) get it into manageable shape and 2) strip off on the order of two minutes of runtime. Even if I wanted to battle my way through seven and a half minutes of music for this, the end of the song does not go somewhere that can reasonable be supported by the source, and trying to make it fit regardless would be a waste of time. Even so, this is going to be difficult, but I've got the better part of ten days to finish it in, and as I'm coming in to the final stretch language-wise I'm going to get additional time back over that span.

    Accordingly, SH128 will be going out to release sometime today, announcement to follow sometime later maybe, and the wheels will click forward. I've not totally given up on the idea of a Soreption video, but a Soreption video as a total disassociation of a Koufuku Graffiti episode is not happening, at least not on my end.

    --Kai out

  • as i bury the knife in my body 2015-06-03 11:34:12
    - Source rip: complete
    - Music: complete
    - Precleaning: complete
    - Storyboard/planning: none, really
    - Clipping: complete
    - Edit: none
    - Postproc: none

    Vocab not being too intense, I was able to push on and finish the cut last night, and then time up the song this morning. More needs to be done before I can really feel comfortable about going in to edit on it, but I'm going to have a lot more time available for thinking rather than working on this in the next couple days, so things should balance out.

    Having done SH115, I was guided by that process in doing the current disassociation, and only when I thought back about it did I realize that splitting out cuts just by number was a dumb idea. With Causality, it didn't matter what the content of a particular cut was, just the ordinal number that could be pulled by the selector, but with this one, I'm going to be composing it, and some information beyond "where this happens in the episode" would be nice to have at a glance. What's done is done, though; I'm not going to recut this, or go through and rename stuff, then redo the Magix-index-generation bit. The constraints I have are the constraints I have to work with.

    --Kai out

  • another small piece of the puzzle 2015-06-01 10:40:37
    - Source rip: complete
    - Music: complete
    - Precleaning: complete
    - Storyboard/planning: none
    - Clipping: none
    - Edit: none
    - Postproc: none

    SH128 finished up over the weekend, and probably ought to be out at release now, but it's not; there's some infrastructure stuff that needs to be done before it's released that is not done yet, but the more major reason is that INSO19 did end up being a thing after all, and so it feels kind of weird to present 128 without 129. Not having the time to start cutting yesterday, and with a bunch of crap I need to take care of today, it's unlikely that SH129 will be finished, let alone out, before the coming weekend. SH128 should be out at public release before then, but how that's going to be presented is still kind of up in the air.

    Right now, the release model is looking like separate .org entries for SH128 and SH129, with a single blog post for both videos, INSO19, and a concatenation of all three videos that won't be available elsewhere. However, this may be subject to change depending on how 129 shakes out; I want to at least start on the total-disassociation with the mindset that's going to produce the video before I think about committing to any release-structure stuff. That may be in place as early as tomorrow; despite unplanned maintenance and needing to push to catch up on Japanese, I should be able to get at least some time, and the idea for this as a total-disassociation happened for a reason. Even a little ways in should be enough.

    --Kai out

  • and grant me new life 2015-05-27 08:53:12
    - Source rip: complete
    - Music: complete
    - Precleaning: complete
    - Storyboard/planning: ephimeral
    - Clipping: complete
    - Edit: 0:15/1:35
    - Postproc: none

    This is looking like a really, really, weird fucking video. I knew going in, just from the source concept selection and then from the more specific structural concepts that developed after that, that it was going to be pretty weird, but you never realize just how weird these things are going to be until you start putting source on the timeline. This carries its own risks; "confusing and alienating" is what I'm aiming for, but the line between awesomecore and "pile of totally unconnected garbage" is razor-thin, and this will be really pushing it. So far, it's looking ok, but fifteen seconds is not a lot and the guitars haven't even really come in yet; there's a lot of good bass work in this piece, which was what drew me to it initially, but the guitar lines are still dominant, and once I start working with those, I'm going to have a much better idea of how this one's going to hold together.

    The rough idea discussed yesterday for a total disassociation piece has kind of metastasized into a larger project framework; SH128 is going to be released and listed as its own entry like normal, but depending on how and if the currently-slotted SH129 and INSO19 work out, it may get collated into a larger thing. This is dependent on those being feasible and getting done, and this one not taking so long that doing so would run into when I have to leave, but the last couple projects have all been essentially conventional and fairly accessible: there is something in me that strives for the unnecessarily challenging, and the only thing better in that regard than making three separate overly challenging and confrontational death metal pieces is to stitch them together into an even denser, more dubiously-connected, less-accessible whole. I do enough stuff aimed at surface accessibility: it's also valid and useful to show off the bleeding and disorienting depths available, which for those who are going to end up legitimately into this stuff have their own attraction.

    --Kai out

Current server time: Mar 14, 2025 12:34:45