Kai Stromler (Kai Stromler)
we must come to terms
2015-01-07 17:25:07
- Source rip: complete*
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: as done as it's getting
- Clipping: complete*
- Edit: 0:35/3:29
- Postproc: none
The cut quotes on this will probably go backwards by the end of the week, because one of the reasons why it's been stuck for nearly six months is that I burned up an inadequate source pile like a match in a nest of straw, and didn't think about how to resolve *why* that source pool was so small and bad until comparatively recently. The others include "had to learn a new language and go to a different continent" and "seriously injured by bad shoe repair and stupid decisions", but with both of those behind me and the foot damage putting some more latency between "now" and "time to start marathon training", they're not going to interfere with a recut. Doing a rerip and a recut is still going to suck, but I'd rather do it and get this video ground out than try to flail on with the depleted pool I have left or do any more damage to the song. I'm not getting any younger or less busy, and there's additionally two SH125 contenders lined up (one of which, yes, is going to be flat impossible without the change that's likely going to drive the quotes backwards), in addition to more stuff that keeps going into the pool that this is a tuneup for.
It's not going to go backwards tomorrow, though. Dark Tranquillity aren't playing all that late, but still it is 0% likely that I'm going to be able to do any work at all when I get home.
--Kai out
than making other people die
2014-08-11 08:56:06
- Source rip: complete
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: as done as it's getting
- Clipping: complete
- Edit: 0:35/3:29
- Postproc: none
There are a bunch of factors contributing to edit going slowly, from the heat to the start of the fitba season to spending most of Saturday thrashing out at Summer Slaughter, but the most major is that this is fucking hard. It's hard and slow to edit this, and taking long breaks makes it harder, as I need to reload the source into memory every time I sit down in order to have a fighting chance at making good decisions and not wasting time. The upside is that the video is looking pretty damn good -- the downside is that it's going to take like another week to look *finished*, and that's not adjusting for King Parrot/Beyond Creation on Thursday night. This was an easy cut, but the time commitment has to come back in at some point, and while I hate doing edit less than clipping/precleaning, this video is trying real hard to turn that back around.
--Kai out
no christ no cross no pain no loss
2014-08-06 08:40:29
- Source rip: complete
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: as done as it's getting
- Clipping: complete
- Edit: 0:10/3:29
- Postproc: none
Eventually, after a lot of equivocation, I managed to tear myself away from Chihaya Furu long enough to finish up the planning part and actually get some source on the timeline. Just because this video is going to be hard is not a reason for not attacking it; if I continue to go about 20 minutes per ten seconds, it will take on the order of another five hours to finish, but another way of thinking about that is that in as little as another five hours, I could be going to post on this. This also is good; I have barely enough source to meet my 100% overage requirements, so close cutting is the best tool I have available to make sure that every frame I put in the timeline is maximally effective. If I have to drop negative space over a cut later in order to do what I want in terms of synch, the frames under that are lost and can't be reused, but if I just cut around the negative space initially, they're still in the pool. This is going to be a weird, random, and counterintuitive video regardless of what I do, but close cutting will hopefully give it enough of a sense of purpose to hang together -- and extreme parsimony in the first part of the video will ensure that I have unused source still left to cut the solo the way I need to. Seriously, that shit is horrifying; if I can get *that* ten seconds done in 20 minutes, it will be by nothing short of divine intervention.
--Kai out
a coffin is open for me
2014-08-04 09:01:51
- Source rip: complete
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: nebulous/partial
- Clipping: complete
- Edit: none
- Postproc: none
This turned out to be a quick and relatively painless cut for several reasons, and so despite taking multiple breaks out to try and get my boots back, I finished up clipping late Saturday and did some song timing and structure stuff on Sunday. Edit will start either tonight or tomorrow, depending on how aggressive I feel about pressing it, how much time I have to dump into housework, and whether I end up buying and repeat-listening the new Panopticon.
At this point I'm about halfway through the five or six initially-slotted tuneup videos for the thing that was going to be SH122 back in January, and feeling a hell of a lot better about what's required from my process and my ability to execute it. There's going to be at least one more tuneup video after this one, but even with as long a cut as that project is and as much source cleanup as I'm going to have to do, I'm getting to the point where I want to dig in and get after it rather than just chewing through more technical skills-development stuff. I'm still cautious about deciding that I'm "back" to any given level, but I feel confident that I can both take on an extremely long cut without feeling like I'm going to end up stabbing myself over it, and do the video at the end with minimal suckage. I've done a pretty good job over the last three or four years of not making videos I didn't feel good about; the other side of that is having the confidence to go out and attack the videos I *do* feel good about, the ones that won't get made if I don't go out and get them done.
--Kai out
the vision of a free life
2014-08-01 09:31:54
- Source rip: complete
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: none
- Storyboard/planning: none
- Clipping: 0/13
- Edit: none
- Postproc: none
Listening through the song a couple times yesterday, I gradually came to the conclusion that there was a large chunk in the second minute that was problematic to edit with at that point, unnecessarily challenging to listeners who haven't put down for a slam-death album, and not super essential to what I needed to do. So I chopped it out; it ended up being 31 seconds of runtime removed, and it was easier than I thought it would be, made so by consistent composition and the lack of a key change. Of course, the editing environment went berserk while doing so, which is a thing it does from time to time, so it took a while and prevented any kind of real progress cutting source, but this part's done, and I can move ahead with a much more concrete idea of what I need to videograph, and what I don't need to worry about. And Abdicate ended up bagging their tour at the last moment, so it's not like I really missed anything staying in and working, either.
--Kai out
Current server time: Mar 16, 2025 16:17:34