Kai Stromler (Kai Stromler)
blistered by the sun
2014-07-31 08:35:20
SH123 finished last night, though if this was more than a tuneup video, I might have had to go back and fix some stuff that came out less than optimal. As it is, though, SH124 is on deck, with a project focus of solving exactly the problem points that are weak in SH123. This was planned out in advance, and just becomes strangely double-appropriate due to how the video turned out.
This is how SH124 looks in the on-deck circle:
- Source rip: complete
- Music: none
- Precleaning: none
- Storyboard/planning: none
- Clipping: 0/13
- Edit: none
- Postproc: none
This, again, is barely started, just enough to get the project block, but not being able to go see Abdicate tonight will probably advance the counters quickly, and after that, it's another weekend on call with no fitba. Even back in the hobby, I do do stuff other than AMV all the time, but in the offseason and chained to my work phone necessarily means less of it.
--Kai out
with pierce in the grave
2014-07-30 08:21:59
- Source rip: complete
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: mostly complete?
- Clipping: complete
- Edit: 1:35/2:11
- Postproc: none
This video is really right, right on the edge of not working, and that's a good thing. The point of this one was to (re)learn how to structure something that's not following the music explicitly, while still not being completely beholden to the original direction. It's going to be montage+triggers regardless, but it's taking a lot of effort and attention to make sure that it's a working montage that the triggers grease the wheels for, rather than a nonsensical montage that keeps strobing for no reason.
On SH122 I did not reject a lot of edit decisions. Some of that was the very sequential source and how little I deviated off it, and some of it was that most of the sequences I could have composed would have worked to very similar effect. This video does not have that luxury. I've done, and then torn out, at least one ten-second sequence, and constantly find myself ripping out three clips, including a pile of effects, and starting over, because wrong decisions are wrong. This was the other point of this video: to relearn how to cut against the source and/or the music, to identify bad edit decisions and rip them out before they fuck up the whole video. This video concept does not have a real high ceiling on it in terms of quality or general appeal and, as mentioned, is right on the edge of being an unwatchable mess. Ceaseless rigor in making the best decisions available will keep it out of SH034 territory, though, and will be immensely useful in that coming project that this is a tune-up for, where I'm going to have a wealth of seriously disparate source available and the luxury of forfeiting the best edit decision in favor of a good one that's already on the timeline.
also: I checked last night, and it turns out I did indeed lose the interstitial cuts that should have gone in between the three "takes" in SH046. Since this video is now as old as the first named character who appears in it, this does not really matter, and it's unlikely that I would have had the time or inclination to build a new version anyway, but it is still kind of a bummer considering how much junk I *do* still have around from that era. For any weirdos interested, the Blind Guardian one was with the carnival-organ part from "Majesty", and the Type O one was, given the era, probably from one of the longer songs on Bloody Kisses or October Rust. I would love for it to have been the gang-vocals break in "Unsuccessfully Coping...", but I don't think I owned Slow, Deep, and Hard on CD in 2002.
--Kai out
no colors left in this world
2014-07-29 09:26:55
- Source rip: complete
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: ~50%?
- Clipping: complete
- Edit: none
- Postproc: none
This turned out to be another quick cut, and I was able to get most of the song timing and structure mapping done while waiting to be able to take my boot over to the cobbler this morning. Edit may finish tonight, maybe tomorrow night; this is another short span, but it's going to need more structure than SH122 and will allow a lot less cheating.
I should, at some point, actually put in for Short Peace to be confirmed, but the source for this one is going to need confirmed as well, and it is quite likely that the source for the currently-slotted SH124 will not get confirm-requested by someone else in the minimum two weeks required for that to drop after whenever this one finishes. This is fucking bizarre -- these are relatively new shows, but I'm not on the cutting edge or anything -- and as such I intend to press it to the last: to keep cranking on until I hit a source that is OKed for local, and at that point do a confirm request for everything else that's logjammed to that point. Others can and should cut ahead; for me to break ground on video as well as music sources just feels weird.
--Kai out
create and deny
2014-07-28 08:44:08
So SH122 is released, and the streak continues. Note that this is not the death metal video previously alluded to as SH122, but rather the first of several planned tune-up death metal videos made as I endeavor to figure out how the fuck to work my equipment and build non-terrible videos to some extent. I should be starting work on SH123 shortly; the block below is reflective of a really early progress stage ("loaded the source into AVS/VDub") and should not be interpreted as leading to a video in the immediate short term.
- Source rip: complete
- Music: none
- Precleaning: none
- Storyboard/planning: none
- Clipping: none
- Edit: none
- Postproc: none
That said, I should be working on it this week, and it will probably not wrap in one night, so there should be some more notes on it between now and when it goes to release; SH122 wrapped in about 36 chronological hours over the weekend, so there wasn't really time to stick up a progress bar on it.
--Kai out
dead like the skull of the sun
2013-12-20 12:34:19
SH121 finished after all, and has been published; I've got a few lingering bits running before I'll announce it, but it's out there and as impenetrable as about anything else I've ever done. The next project up is a much more conventional old-school death metal video, but that one shouldn't be expected before like March-ish. There's a lot of cutting to do, I'm still in the "leave potential source lying around on the speakers, with the vague intent of watching through it sometime" stage of production, and I have at least one significant stay in Canada blocked in for Q1 already, never mind any additional work stuff. The fact that SH121 finished, and the streak did not get broken, makes it more likely than not that SH122 will drop sometime in 2014, but *when* is entirely uncertain.
--Kai out, again
Current server time: Mar 17, 2025 00:37:17