JOURNAL: Kai Stromler (Kai Stromler)

  • down in the wood caledon 2013-12-12 08:06:27
    So I found a flash drive with the first batch of the remasters -- the BAS/INSO stuff -- on it, which I thought I had lost, and as a result I fixed the uploads for INSO00 and INSO10, which had been broken over on the website for goddamned forever. I had to find a new host, because depositfiles is now reg-only, but fortunately, tinyupload will fit these, as it will like 60% of my catalog.

    Hooray re-available crappy low-effort old videos:

    Also, I'm in process and just about ready to go into edit on a new video, but I've been that way since before I went to France two weeks ago, and now having mentioned it, will probably end up never finishing the piece in question. If it does finish, it'll be out probably early next week as I expect my weekend to revolve around staying home doing on-call, which should give me the 3-6 hours needed to hack it together, and then export is just a matter of an overnight.

    --Kai out

  • to where blood | is the highest sacrifice 2012-11-28 17:25:48
    Nothing new, and no new progress, but the bug is starting to scratch away. More relevantly, it's pretty cool that the super search now pattern-matches input to database entries. This has probably been in for a while, but since I don't watch much anime any more and have almost stopped watching AMVs entirely, I did not know about it until now.

    And yes, this was discovered during a coverage check, where 1/2 anime titles and 2/2 bands got the "no results returned" message. Future never-to-be-completed projects remain as self-defeatingly kvlt as the long-completed, long-forgotten ones.

    --Kai out, again

  • livin' in the fast lane | no pain no gain 2012-07-10 11:36:33
    There are still five BAS/INSO pieces that need reuploaded via the ILS interblag, but all of the .org videos have now been republished to the new indirect host. If something is broken, please comment as directed.

    As it turned out, I don't need to replace the soundcard in Battlefreak after all. (Hardware starts working again after a reboot? Ok whatever...) This means that the rebuild/new build can get pushed back out to the scheduled date of "sometime in Q4"/"after I move" -- and that I can continue to not feel bad about not working on stuff because it's too damn melty in the apartment to stress the system.

    --Kai out

  • in the time and space after life 2012-07-05 13:45:06
    Last night, the soundcard in Battlefreak died (was playing SH112 at the time, so apparently Parasitic was as too-heavy for the card, under that heat load, as they are for most of the .org). This was a trailing-edge piece of equipment that I picked up for $5 while building this system back in 2003, so nine full years' service is nothing to snort at. This means that I'm facing one of two outcomes, with the second being more likely.

    In the short term, I go to Micro Center on the weekend and buy another dirt-cheap soundcard to replace the current one. However, it's quite likely that I won't find anything to fit a 10-year-old old-PCI interface, so in the medium term, I get to do what I was actually meaning to: to build another desktop system and retire the old one. This will get done probably by the end of the month if it turns out to be necessary; I'm out of the country for most of August, occupied with more important stuff well into the fall after that, and ultimately not being able to access the digital music that I have on the current system -- or the audio tracks on the video archive -- is galling enough to drive quick action. At least I have a kitchen table now to build it on.

    It was intimated previously that one of the driving factors in building a new system was the pain of doing certain operations in Virtual Dub, and that the render process for mixdowns is extremely long and tedious. These are both still true, but there should be no anticipation of new editing after any system rebuild. The major constraints of time and antipathy towards large parts of the process are not affected by improvements in technology.

    --Kai out

  • now making amendments | to the story 2012-06-15 10:27:57
    As most people know, mediafire threw the toys oot the pram in response to the Megaupload raid, purged everything, and now makes new uploaders register with them. As a result, all of my indirects stopped working, and fucked if I was going to register there and go "ohai, pls let me store ~6GB of stuff hacked out of other people's content on your servers".

    In response to some PM prompting, I got off my duff recently and found another low-cost-of-entry host for indirect distribution of SH stuff. I'm starting to move videos out there, and will likely complete that move, and the renewing of all links, by the end of June. If you find a non-mediafire link on some video info page that is broken after this point, report it using the directions on the link; complaints about mediafire stuff will be elided and fixed out of sequence.

    --Kai out

Current server time: Mar 17, 2025 15:01:37