JOURNAL: Kai Stromler (Kai Stromler)

  • felt an itching in my thumbs 2012-04-12 14:00:28
    There is a SH120 released today. This is almost certainly going to be the last thing released with a SH number. It is not the same SH120 as discussed earlier, but something that's been turning over in my head for a while and could get done amid five hours of disappointment, frustration, misanthropic hate, directionless anger, and truthfully not that heavy alcohol consumption last night.

    The relentless hatred that I have for the process behind AMVing is the main reason, as previously discussed, for quitting. I still like the results, and on this video I did not mind the process too much. The source cleaned up easily and without heavy processing, and there was not that much of it. Thus it got done. I don't foresee ever really hating clipping less in the future, so as noted this is probably the last video.

    The two projects mentioned in the previous entry are still technically not cancelled. There's a list of projects taped to my monitor that either get check off or crossed off, and both of them are still there. The likelihood that they'll get worked on in any timely fashion is pretty small, but I retain hope that they and one other project will get done. This, though, was a nice, violent, misanthropic, and relatively uncompromising way of drawing a line under eleven years and a nice round number, and cutting off any future expectations at that point. Essentially, I continue not working on stuff, but I can stop kicking myself about it: trivial, but one fewer pipe feeding the inexhaustible rage tap is one fewer pipe feeding the inexhaustible rage tap.

    --Kai out, for good (at least until further notice)

  • the same blind intersection 2012-02-21 11:17:58
    - Source rip: complete
    - Music: complete
    - Precleaning: none
    - Storyboard/planning: none
    - Clipping: 1/24
    - Edit: none
    - Postproc: none

    - Collated: 927
    - Prepped: 0
    - Cut: 0
    - Completed: 00:00 (0)

    It's about 4.5 hours into SH120 for about 10% of the source that I'll likely need, and similar to SH116, I feel that I'm probably going to end up stopping when I've cut past that point, regardless of how much theoretical volume I have left. The cutting process encompasses everything I hate about AMVing even normally, and cutting subbed source with fidelity issues makes it even worse. The limits of my ability to tolerate this sort of thing are pretty close, and the only strategy I've found to deal with it -- getting into an alcoholic fugue state while jamming alienating techno, tech-death, and necro black metal -- kind of restricts the videos that I'm able to do. This one will work. Others, not so much. Cutting 12X is going to be more of an engineering project than an artistic endeavor, so that'll be marginally more bearable...just running two orders of magnitude as long. Hooray.

    --Kai out

  • jelly and ice cream when r*****s die 2012-02-14 11:38:39
    It's ironic that practically goddamn everything I had on mediafire as actual AMVs has gotten purged, but the video linked off here is still going strong:

    As soon as the huns finish going out of business, I can get back to working on current projects. DIE DIE RANGERS.


  • i must complete | what i set out to do 2012-02-07 10:20:58
    - Source rip: complete
    - Music: complete
    - Precleaning: none
    - Storyboard/planning: none
    - Clipping: 0/24
    - Edit: none
    - Postproc: none

    - Collated: 906
    - Prepped: 0
    - Cut: 0
    - Completed: 00:00 (0)

    These videos may not actually get completed, but it is not honest to say that I'm not working on them. The source for SH120 got piled in last night, and I did enough on that eventual last video over the weekend that it has to be considered in progress. It's going to stay that way, though, for likely most of the next three years, until if/when it finishes. This is a low priority task requiring an immense amount of logistical support before I even get to the "edit impossibly long video" stage. Realistically, it's not going to happen. Once it does, though, I can close up shop fully and without regrets.

    --Kai out

  • six hours as the raven flies 2011-10-18 10:51:41
    The project that has been occupying about 100% of the cpu cycles on my primary editing station is now virtually finished, and it's not impossible that I could be back editing on INSO18 by/at the weekend. Not before that, though, as I'm on call and then somehow Impiety is on tour. Not *complaining*, mind you, that I only have to drive to Worcester to see this band rather than fly to Schlotheim (or, more realistically, Singapore), just saying.

    I may also have some latitude to work on another project that may get a SH number if I finish it before month-end; this is a test of a possible alternate editing station and a way to kill time on Thursday nights when I'm stuck in the office waiting to go see bands that are most often not quite as inspiring as Impiety. This will not get progress notes, and will go to release if/when it gets done.

    With that abovementioned project finished, I now need to start building a master index for the final SH video. An important number for this process is 860; this is not exact, but between stuff that is in other formats and the raw fact that that project isn't starting for, likely, another year at least, covering the last 140 titles will be completely trivial and likely allow me to avoid cheesing the figure with eroge demos. No promises, especially with the cut volume of stuff that needs to get done in the intervening, but work will eventually proceed.

    --Kai out

Current server time: Mar 17, 2025 21:39:16