JOURNAL: Kai Stromler (Kai Stromler)

  • but you're not worth tearing down 2011-09-08 10:16:13
    I did a rough cut of INSO18 last night, at least the first 21 seconds from the first vob, to prove that I could still do this, period. The heat has finally broken, and the cold and wet weather than typically pulls out my most creative output is back, so there's now a realistic chance of seeing this video go to release before the end of the month. The roughcut is available offsite and there will probably be another progress entry tomorrow, or at least on Monday if Bobfest doesn't kill me.

    After this comes SH120, which is going to go in as a 2-minute chiplet that will probably take the rest of the year, and then the Atheist-based followup to SH115 and SH119 that I really should have been working on by now, and a quick project with Katalepsy because it's been too long since I (and thus, anyone) have done a slam video. THIS DRUG IS A GOOD DRUG.

    The chances of finishing up by the end of 2013 are pretty much zero, but since I only have between two and three projects that I actually *need* to finish before calling it a career, it might happen after all. We'll see.

    --Kai out

  • but we worked at gas stations 2011-06-13 12:14:23
    - Source rip: complete
    - Music: complete
    - Precleaning: complete
    - Storyboard/planning: none
    - Clipping: 1/6
    - Edit: none
    - Postproc: none

    As seems to be usual for weekends lately, I got a decent bit cut on Saturday, ended up drinking all evening, and then was utterly out of it for Sunday. I should go back on pace this week, then hit the shoals again next weekend, because that's apparently what happens now. I go on call at the end of the week, which may have a complicating or ameliorating effect, but the main effort is still on getting ready for the festival tour. Not being in shape did a number on me in Hong Kong, and on this one, I actually have to do stuff, so I need to be able to be on my feet all day, drink absurd quantities of beer, and quickly cycle back up and do it all over again. Hence, constant training, at least when I'm not at work.

    Seth Putnam also passed on over this weekend, which did put a definite downer on things. Before anyone knew what trolling was, Seth was disco dancing in a leisure suit in the pit at Wargasm shows. He made a multi-decade career out of atrociously offensive song titles and throwing cinderblocks at the audience, and he did more, heavier, and more fatally combined drugs than your favorite band, occasionally over the course of a single weekend. He wrote and recorded an entire acoustic album to take the piss out of black metal, and he locked Extreme Noise Terror in the Central Square McDonald's, because this is the lulziest thing you can do to a vegan grindcore band. He also died and rose from the dead a total of four times before checking out this last time; eat that, Y'shua bar-Yosef. Though all the Anal Cunt stuff was for srs as well as for the luls, Seth was also a genuinely solid dude and completely wound up in the Boston DIY scene to the last. Being Seth Putnam is a tall ask for anyone; we in Boston are all grateful that Seth was able to survive it for so long and produce so many insane legends.

    --Kai out

  • it's in the air you breathe 2011-06-09 10:14:58
    - Source rip: complete
    - Music: none
    - Precleaning: complete
    - Storyboard/planning: none
    - Clipping: none
    - Edit: none
    - Postproc: none

    I was about three or four DVDs short of having all the source for SH119 cleaned off, but that cleaning is half-done, at least, and will probably get closer to all done over the weekend. In the meantime, I set up the source for the new INSO video -- six vobs, probably cuttable inside a week -- and got the filters set. The print on this movie is wicked good, enough that I can do without color correction or anything more complicated on line,etc, and just crop the sides and bring it out to 16:9. Technically, this should be 2.35:1, but since I'm going to have to work over a trigger into 848-wide, I might as well make it 848x480 and have something useful for future projects. I can cut down to 848x360 in post.

    And yes, for those who noted that SH119 was slack (and yeah, 1.41 spc is pretty slack) or less exciting, there are going to be triggers in this. Oh yes, there will be triggers. This isn't one of HSB's blacker or blastier songs, but there are still blast beats, and despite the violence of the footage, I'm still going to need to fill in in traditional style.

    --Kai out

  • adopted by the beast of war 2011-06-08 09:36:53
    I unexpectedly finished editing SH119 last night, searching in vain for the second wall hit (probably because the songs involved are pretty front-loaded, lyrics-wise), and so ran the mixdown overnight and was able to do the container repack this morning. It's now done, and out, and all that good stuff, and I can actually mention that the conceptual hurdle and the reason for about 90% of the stupid circumlocution in previous updates was that I was trying to edit a video to two fairly different audio tracks simultaneously. Hooray pointless accomplishment.

    Tonight, since I have the time, I'm probably going to be cleaning off the source pool and thinking about what the next project's going to be; I'm looking at a SH120 that won't be completely ready, sourcewise, for a couple more weeks, and also at an INSO video I've wanted to do for a while that is ready to go now. The most likely course is that I rip the DVD for the INSO one straight off, then try cutting over the weekend to see how far I get. If I can get significant progress made on that front, I can try to get the Korean texting done that I need at the start of next week and start editing for rapid turnaround. If I get stuck or don't work on it, back I go to SH120 and build in a little more slip time before the festival season starts.

    Additionally, there's not going to be an omake video for 119, as I used a lot of the music that was slated for that in the trailer card of the actual video....and I'm kind of sick of this title after hacking on this dumb video for four months.

    --Kai out

  • some say the world will end in violence 2011-06-07 09:01:45
    - Source rip: complete
    - Music: complete
    - Precleaning: complete
    - Storyboard/planning: aye, right
    - Clipping: complete
    - Edit: 1:52/3:52
    - Postproc: none

    Despite having to negotiate the first wall hit, I kept cranking on pace, managing to get done the edit described above and one more (and much longer) daily build than I actually needed within the 2.5 hours booked last night. With similar working parameters tonight, I should be able to get to the second wall hit, a little short of the three-minute mark, tonight, and then kick on and finish the editing portion of the video tomorrow rather than going to the Tombs release show.

    The final build is going to take a bit longer than that due to various technical issues; if I can run the main part of it Thursday while I'm at work, the video might be out at the weekend, but probably not before. I need to follow up on some technical stuff in addition to actually doing the "encoder runs goddamn forever" part.

    As I progress, though, there is the definite feeling that the music in this video was deliberately structured for purposes such as I'm using it here. You'd not think so just listening, but when you put it under the microscope of the timeline, the conclusion is inescapable. I'm onto yeez, Seņor Masvidal!

    --Kai out

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