Kai Stromler (Kai Stromler)
mindful among the mindless
2011-05-10 10:35:06
- Source rip: complete
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: nebulous
- Clipping: 7/12
- Edit: none
- Postproc: none
So I did pretty much nothing over the weekend except drink, sleep, and thrash, but this was about as expected. Getting back to work last night after work drinking, I put in another hour and a half and dusted another episode; if I can keep on track, this will be about routine, and I can start the abortive and never-ending process of actually editing this thing sometime on or about the 16th, modulo wasting Thursday either at Destruction or getting turned back at the door and hiking back to the car drop place. I'm not cool enough to wheedle Robin into letting me in past venue capacity in case of a sellout.
In with the above thrashing and drinking, I picked up the new Black Harvest record; "Behind Every Tree And Stone", as per the casual hazard of me listening to new music, may turn into a new video, but the timing of that's dependent on the current video, the one booked for after it, and some factors outside of my control. Just as I'm trying to get out....
--Kai out
the will i had aint strong enough
2011-05-05 09:24:41
- Source rip: complete
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: nebulous
- Clipping: 6/12
- Edit: none
- Postproc: none
Eight hours in, half done the cut. As much as I whine and moan about clipping here, and as long as it actually does take, and as tedious as it is, this is not where the majority of work is going to be on the video. Also, in real-time terms, most of the work has gotten done in the last four days, and depending on how hung over I am Sunday or if I do any work at all Saturday, I could be potentially editing before the end of next which point I go on call and then can't really do much else. This is still a time-consuming hobby, but not an all-consuming one.
Actually editing this, though, is going to verge on all-consuming. I don't see this video coming out before the end of the month, even in the optimistic case, and anything symbolically synchronistic like the Endeavour launch is straight out of the fucking question. Why this is has to remain under wraps for a while, but let's just say that there are permutations to editing where time spent does not scale linearly with additional music, but significantly worse than linearly. Derive an upper bound about it.
--Kai out
one of selfdoubt and one of hurt
2011-05-04 10:16:58
- Source rip: complete
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: nebulous
- Clipping: 5/12
- Edit: none
- Postproc: none
This was another fairly quick cut due to lack of content; tonight's will run a little longer, and then I probably don't do anything till Sunday due to various metal and alcohol commitments. I really need to get ahead on Coelem stuff as well; if I can get the current riffs I've been working on arranged and smoothed out into something with composition, it's only two more songs till I can start shopping around to put out a self-indulgent (and, likely, completely self-financed) 10", just to say see, I have a record out.
Half the USB drive is now full of stuff, and I have on the order of 300 more DVDs to process. I need to get another, larger, external drive, and to rehab the PC I got surplus from work into a usable viewing/processing station -- just one more wrinkle in the dozen things I need to do before festival season comes around again.
--Kai out
swiftly | down the hallway
2011-05-03 09:57:06
- Source rip: complete
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: nebulous
- Clipping: 4/12
- Edit: none
- Postproc: none
This was an exceedingly quick cut, partly because of a lack of content and partly because I'm starting to actually get back into the swing of things. I probably could have pushed on and cut another, but it wasn't a major priority; so, back to the grind tonight, and I could spend the remainder of last night loading up the USB drive and listening to Brahms and Prokofiev.
I got a chance to run some preliminary numbers on that proposed thousand-title video, and it's actually looking pretty good. I have on the order of 600 .org-listed titles available, plus about another hundred or so that are not listed for one reason or another, and like an additional hundred or so off Distribution that either didn't make it into SH091 or I missed while counting (I wasn't focused too closely on getting all of those). So I anticipate that at the point where I've got everything loaded up, we'll be in the ranged of O(800) titles out of the thousand (or, more precisely, "980 assuming 1 spc average") needed to close up shop for good. Then, time will take the reins: I have not just this video to finish, but at least two cuts that I fully expect will each take on the order of six months after that. Natural accretion of new and rediscovered titles should make up the last 200 titles in two years or so -- or faster if I loosen my standards and keep more early installments of shows that suck. There's still going to be a place for hitting up the used record stores to hoover up any and all DVDs that allow me to add new titles for less than $3 per, for taking a box cutter and a scanner to unwanted manga, and for slumming about otaku stores in southeast Asia, but most of the work on the physical front's been done over the last 10 years, and the pool of titles I can reasonably add from has gotten so small and so completely obscure as to make extra effort on physical copies almost a net loser.
--Kai out
hand in hand but not forever
2011-05-02 11:09:13
- Source rip: complete
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: nebulous
- Clipping: 3/12
- Edit: none
- Postproc: none
- Export: none
Because I wasn't able to pick up Primordial's new one on Friday, I ended up spending like $6 on used DVDs, with the conclusion being "dammit, if I'm going to spend money like I'm still editing, I ought to edit like I'm still editing". So I cut another ep on the current plan, drank a lot of krauterlikoer and orange juice, and am in real terms, let alone psychological ones, no farther forward. We'll see if this lasts, but hopefully I can keep rolling.
The only real complication in this is that I'm splitting cycles with a consolidation process aimed at getting rid of my burned DVDs, and this is sneakily high-prio because it's nebulously related to the planned final SH video. There's a lot to go in between now and then, which is to the good, because I'm not 100% sure I have the thousand titles needed to make it work correctly....yet.
--Kai out
Current server time: Mar 19, 2025 00:43:06