Kai Stromler (Kai Stromler)
new straw for the old broom
2011-01-24 11:00:35
- Source rip: complete
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: nebulous
- Clipping: 2/12
- Edit: none
- Postproc: none
- Export: none
Celts win, Huns lose, Pack win, Jets lose, I get off my duff and cut another ep. Good weekend. This one did not yield much in the way of useful source, but I continue to find good cuts where I least expect them, stuff capable of being reworked and recontextualized to play its part in the final video. The next couple are a lot better in that regard, though I probably won't get cutting till next weekend; I've got a lot of personal things to take care of in the run-up to the end of the month, and there's like eight shows between this midweek and next weekend that I need to get out to and presumably write up.
I also finally watched Mani Mani, after like a year of having it sit by the TV, and it joins the stack for SHsomethingintheearly120s, which is anticipated to actually go into production, after five years of source gathering, sometime around midyear and not finish until this time in 2012. Worse than this, though, is the sure knowledge that this is not the only project this hard left: there's another one that will be covering even more discs, but fortunately is using a much shorter song. By the time I finish up, the surprise will be twofold: first, that again, after six months of mostly silence and occasional this-job-is-too-hard whining, a video is finishes, and only second, that there isn't going to be one after it.
On a better note, Autumn Above finished recording for an actual disc release of "The Hanging Ghost". The only negative thing it's possible to say about _Prologue_ is that this song wasn't on it, but now that's being fixed indirectly. Win.
--Kai out
years of regret come true
2011-01-17 10:41:17
- Source rip: complete
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: nebulous
- Clipping: 1/12
- Edit: none
- Postproc: none
- Export: none
This video has gone from merely impossible to terrifyingly so. I knew going in that actually executing the concept as set up would require almost a reinvention of what it means to edit an AMV, but starting to get to grips with the music has really driven home what that's really going to mean. All I can do, though, is plug on ahead at present, and work on reinventing video editing when I get to that stage.
I'm probably behind on where I need to be, source-wise and content-wise, at this point, especially given how the series develops, but it's not an immediate cause for concern. Time per block is about where I'd anticipate it being as well; I'm not super happy about having to do a 30-hour cut, but this pales in comparison to the expectation of at least 20 hours in the editor.
--Kai out
and it hangs in the air
2011-01-14 11:50:20
- Source rip: complete
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: nebulous
- Storyboard/planning: none
- Clipping: none
- Edit: none
- Postproc: none
- Export: none
Despite going out for work last night and getting neither any AMV nor any ancillary stuff done last night, I still got the source set up this morning before I headed out. The print is nice and clean, especially coming out of the various projects I've been working on, released and unreleased, since SH115, and is probably going to be good to go as is, possibly with a light smart-smoother on cuts with heavy motion.
Regardless of how much filtering I need to do, though, the cut on this is going to be the easy part. The main reason that this video is projecting for the end of February rather than the second week of said month is the challenge posed in editing; the preliminary check last week confirmed the "tougher than SH115" impression, but the challenge of doing the impossible and largely pointless is the main attraction of this project.
--Kai out
of black metal and modern life
2011-01-13 10:16:18
The TPOC is finished at a little short of 13 hours, and released and stuff as of this morning. This means I can take a break for most of this weekend, but between one thing and another I'm probably going to be set up and hacking on SH119 sometime Sunday night. We'll see; there's some stuff that I absolutely need to handle, but I've become quite adroit at smashing through stuff in order to get back to AMVing lately.
Projecting forward, we're looking at three more SH videos this year, and another two 'real' INSO ones, i.e., not stuff that gets off-the-cuffed in the process of making something else. This is distorted a little because of the festival season, and more because I entirely expect to spend like six months at the end of the year on a project that will not likely see the light of day before 2012. When that's done, though, the end gets a lot closer.
--Kai out
through chaos and solitude
2011-01-12 16:06:11
- Source rip: complete
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: complete|marginal
- Clipping: complete|complete
- Edit: complete|none
- Postproc: none
- Export: none*
Cut's done, car's dug out; edit on SH118 will probably start tonight, which now raises the possibility of the video getting out a little earlier. Or maybe not; the commute tomorrow is probably going to be hellish and preclude any chance of working on stuff once I get home.
--Kai out
Current server time: Mar 19, 2025 05:08:58