JOURNAL: Kai Stromler (Kai Stromler)

  • eleven to kill the ten 2011-01-11 10:30:00
    - Source rip: complete
    - Music: complete
    - Precleaning: complete
    - Storyboard/planning: complete|marginal
    - Clipping: complete|1/3
    - Edit: complete|none
    - Postproc: none
    - Export: none*

    It was a long slog, but I'm halfway through the source ripped for this TPOC and more than 1/3 through the source remaining for SH118. The source volume is huge -- there's like no dialogue in this title, and nearly everything matches in color- and composition-wise -- but I'm also pretty confident that I'm getting not just long extents, but enough of the right extents to cut this pretty fast. I'm not sure about cut-per-note, but it's going to be kind of close to that if the concept ends up developing the way it's leaning towards.

    The alleged snow tomorrow, and what the work requirements are during the day if I end up home, may bring this forward a little bit, but not much; most of the clipping is either done or plotted (for tonight), and it's hard to see edit not running into Friday, with export overnight and the final packaged video coming out Saturday just like SH116. After that, break to actually watch some stuff, and then I fold over onto SH119 around the end of the month.


    --Kai out

  • dragged across the forest floor 2011-01-10 09:18:49
    - Source rip: complete
    - Music: complete
    - Precleaning: complete
    - Storyboard/planning: complete/marginal
    - Clipping: complete/none
    - Edit: complete/none
    - Postproc: none
    - Export: none*

    If I had scoped this project differently, it would be done by now. What's done, though, is just SH117, and SH118 is the other half of the project. I did build an archival master and a MPEG4 mixdown of SH117, but it's not anything that's going to be released imminently. As intimated previously, SH117 and 118 are going out in a single package carrying two numbers, which if SH119 turns out as expected, will provide an odd little contrast.

    Cutting will pick up on the second phase tonight, and if everything stays on schedule, the full TPOC will be out next weekend. I also did a brief test for SH119 last night; that one's going to be a really significant challenge, but doable. I don't anticipate starting on it before February, though; there's an INSO project in the queue, plus the regular anticipated life stuff, that's going to be coming in between.

    --Kai out

  • is also my greatest loss 2011-01-08 13:33:01
    - Source rip: complete
    - Music: complete
    - Precleaning: complete/given up
    - Storyboard/planning: marginal
    - Clipping: none
    - Edit: none
    - Postproc: none
    - Export: none

    So SH116 went to release this morning to about the reactions anticipated; the time last night for the end of post was self-justifying on my end, and the first hour of work is in on the TPOC as well, though most of that was running in circles.

    I may have wasted a lot of time chasing a solution to 4:1 rather than recognizing that what I was actually working with was 3:2 where, like most anime ever, there are enough duped frames that you don't have much of a chance to catch the two blended ones in sequence, but as a result, I now know how to use SelectEvery() should that situation ever come up for real in the future, and I've learned almost as much about AVS processing, in the one night, as I had since going off MovieStar, where basically if I wanted to do an effect, I had to write an AVS program/filter chain to get it done. The guides are good and all, but if you take the recommendations too literally, it turns into voodoo programming, where you just execute the script without any consciousness of what it's actually doing. The cut will probably start tonight or soon as I can decide on what value I should actually use for the guide parameter to Telecide(). Happy those who don't know what they're doing.

    --Kai out

  • stagnant hands | never accomplish anything 2011-01-07 09:18:20
    - Source rip: complete
    - Music: complete
    - Precleaning: complete
    - Storyboard/planning: complete
    - Clipping: complete
    - Edit: complete
    - Postproc: niggling
    - Export: complete

    SH116, as expected, wrapped last night at about 20 hours total time. I had a few issues with source supply -- I ended up using about 140 unique cuts out of the 300 or so I had to work with, but most of the rest were covered in jawflap or in the "wtf did I cut this for again" pile -- but managed to get out a decent video despite the constraints. I still need to plan better going forward, but the video that's done right now is still pretty good -- and almost as importantly, done, modulo of course the bit of post that I knew I was going to need tonight to work on.

    It was surprising to see how satisfying it felt to have this finished and slotted in between the Emperor and Evergrey videos in my personal archive (I don't use titles internally and never have). After somewhere between six and eight years (the official date on the idea is 2004, but it may have come in as early as 2002), "Ensign+GTO-Left_Hand_Syndrome" is now a video, not just a line of text encoding conceptions and expectations about that video. The satisfaction is my indicator that the video's done to standard, even if it isn't exactly the way I originally saw the cuts going together; hopefully, there's going to be a lot more of this in the future as I burn through the remaining ideas.

    - Source rip: complete
    - Music: none
    - Precleaning: none
    - Storyboard/planning: marginal
    - Clipping: none
    - Edit: none
    - Postproc: none
    - Export: none

    The source ripped this morning; sometime over the weekend when I'm not fighting with the post office to give me my packages or filling out 40 weeks' worth of backed-up timesheets, I'll be able to cut in and see what cleanup I'm able to do. The suspicion is "not a lot", but it's worth a shot, and while the big VHS video is kind of reliant on not cleaning up at all, even to the extent of getting generation drag off the bottom, there are other projects planned where coming from VHS is a constraint, not a virtue, and the print will need to be cleaned up to match in with DVD stuff as much as possible. Getting into practice for that is what the "T" in TPOC is for; I've already proved just this morning that this shit will rip, so the VHS ideas are all "go", but I still need to lay a foundation for the technical work going forward.

    --Kai out

  • i was my own murderer 2011-01-06 10:00:40
    - Source rip: complete
    - Music: complete
    - Precleaning: complete
    - Storyboard/planning: firming up
    - Clipping: complete
    - Edit: 1:18/2:17
    - Postproc: none
    - Export: none

    The rough cut is looking good; I may need to tighten some things up in what's already edited or fix some technical problems, but there's no shortage of time. Edit should finish tonight barring a wall hit -- and since this is a short video with neither a lot of tracks nor especially hard cutting, this is not likely -- but the video is probably not going to be out until Saturday due to various stuff in post being more complicated than it needs to be.

    This is not going to be a great video, but it wasn't planned as one; it's shaping up to be a good video and fulfill the idea as intended, and that's really all you can ask for.

    As implied, the VHS TPOC should start this weekend, and right now is looking like two videos with, incidentally, titles that are far too clever by half. These are probably going to be put together into a single package for .org release, partly because they'd be kind of short to release independently, partly because that's the old-school fansub VHS feel, random stuff packed together because it fit on the tape, and partly as a means of foisting more Dissection on the audience, which is always worth pursuing as a secondary or tertiary objective.

    --Kai out

Current server time: Mar 19, 2025 09:16:42