Kai Stromler (Kai Stromler)
if we turn our heads
2011-01-02 20:46:07
- Source rip: complete*
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: nebulous
- Clipping: complete*
- Edit: none
- Postproc: none
- Export: none
The cut of what's been ripped so far is done. If the rough cut works, and in the source scan I did after finishing the cut (so far) is any indication, there's no reason it shouldn't, this one could be out as early as Tuesday, though that would be kind of pushing it, and would require a lot more than I'm probably able to give editing-wise. End of the week is more realistic; the first actual edit session will probably go a long way towards determining whether the video is actually go or not. If I can't get to the 1-minute mark tomorrow night for source reasons, rather than because I was stuck at work forever, the quotes will go backward on Tuesday, and I will resignedly get back to the grind of chopping up the remaining DVDs.
--Kai out
i take this vow of hatred
2010-12-30 09:52:29
- Source rip: complete*
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: none
- Clipping: 10.3/15
- Edit: none
- Postproc: none
- Export: none
If I keep this up, I'm really going to need to change how I count chunks. By episodes, I'm 6/10, but by .vobs, which is not the way I'm actually approaching work sessions, I'm at the weird 10.3 quoted above. The important part, though, is that the wheels are still turning, that I got a good 90 minutes in despite the usual distractions, and managed to get quite a few of the idealized cuts that I need conceptually to make the video work.
I could be actually putting this video together by as soon as 2 January, but that depends on several things: no significant hangover after either tonight or tomorrow night, and then Celtic neither losing gormlessly (in which case I maybe jump off a bridge) nor winning triumphantly (in which case I maybe get drunk and fight with cops) on Sunday morning. Three points, brief celebration, back to work. As long as the OF game stays out of 'disaster' territory and the rough cut works, though, I'm on track to be finishing SH116 and starting the TPOC by this time next week.
--Kai out
all my friends are enemies
2010-12-29 14:54:52
- Source rip: complete*
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: none
- Clipping: 9/15
- Edit: none
- Postproc: none
- Export: none
I finished off the first DVD last night, despite a late-breaking production ticket, and got the second ripped. There remain only about 6 GB of .vobs to cut through (* of course modulo that rough cut working as suspected), and it's not like there isn't repeated material or stuff that will get discarded -- I'm already "through" about 5000 out of 24000 frames in the first one as a result of skipping some previews and the OP. Suddenly, this enterprise feels a lot closer to completion, even if last night only added 90 minutes of work time, bringing the total time commitment on this project to 7.5 hours. Surprise surprise, you do shit, and shit gets done.
In this regard, doing the VHS project this fall was in a way the best thing I could have done, going into (likely) the twilight of my AMV career. In the space of a little more than two months, I processed out on the order of 300 VHS tapes that had been sitting around mostly useless for 10-18 months previously. Yes, it took a lot of time, and a lot of attention during that time, but the #1 source of "clutter that I own" by volume is 65% gone, and the rest is going to get sold or dumped shortly after the new year. This was a project that was intimidating by its size and because I had to learn a new process for it, but after learning that process, all it took to finish it off was consistent application.
Working in support is an exercise in short-termism. The problems I see from day to day need to be solved right away by their nature -- those that don't tend to get pushed off for some nebulous future when there isn't a crisis to be solved, and hence never get worked on. The same thing happens day to day: I buy food when the refrigerator's empty, beer when there's none of that left and I'm drinking grog, do dishes when I need to use the contents of the sink, and take back empties after I run out of space on the kitchen floor. In the limited time I have, forward-looking stuff gets crowded out. Yet as the VHS thing shows, "taking two months to finish" is not equivalent to "will never finish" -- as long as actual work goes in, that is.
This has ramifications for other life stuff, but from the AMV perspective what it means is that as long as I kick myself on a regular, the 20+ disc projects that are hovering at the back end of the queue are not inherently unfinishable. Those videos will get done, at least as much as they're feasible on their own, rather than getting dropped, and I can finish up without regrets.
--Kai out
well deserved i concur
2010-12-27 10:46:51
Out of the 10 vobs ripped so far for SH116, 7 are processed. If I can get the time later today (working from home, so no commute), I should be able to get that first DVD done and dusted, then get the next and hopefully last loaded in.
The source gain rate is such that as I go forward, the less and less I feel it's necessary to cut up the whole stack of DVDs. As mentioned before, the idea that the remaining videos, for the most part, are going to be cut out of a very large source volume, is what's been pushing them back, and by contrast, when I was working from sources that for the most part could be cut down in a week (or a very intense weekend), I was getting more done, and to a great extent making better videos. For a two-minute video that does not have a whole lot of specificity in the lyrics, I don't need to do an exhaustive cut of, to tell the truth, a show that I haven't actually watched more than a handful of episodes of. After cutting up the next DVD, I'm going to try to do a rough cut -- and if that works without running out of source, there's no need to cut the rest of the DVDs, and I can get on with other projects in the queue.
Should this finish sometime shortly after New Year's, it would not be out of the question to see some kind of result on the VHS TPOC before the end of January. After that, things get dicey, not just because the stuff in the queue from VHS sources is technically undecided, but also because I have two more stages in the process of cleaning up my apartment....and whether I decide to reduce the cassette tapes or the DVDs first, that's still going to take a month or two and occupy about as much attention as the VHS sweep (which coincided with me not working on AMVs essentially at all) did this fall.
--Kai out
tell me the options
2010-12-13 11:22:39
It's looking like about two weeks to completion of the VHS transfer project; there are a few more shows in there than in past weeks, but that timeframe is done assuming a 35-tape week, which is an underestimate, and an average two-hour tape when about 40% of the remaining tapes are in the one-hour stack that's been separated out for processing as gap fillers. Handling those in normal slots will speed things up toward the end.
With that out of the way, I should be able to get back aggressively on SH116; different kind of concentration, but it's still working on something. After that, though, I realized that for all the ideas that have been coming in from the VHS transfer project, I still haven't done a real feasibility study on getting video off the DVDs I've been authoring, or on cleaning up the resulting source to any degree. So there will be a TPOC project between SH116 and the next real video after that; that one may get a SH number if it works out, and if it doesn't, the to-do list will be getting a significant revision/reduction.
--Kai out
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