Kai Stromler (Kai Stromler)
needle in my heart
2010-12-03 14:54:15
All the SH and INSO videos to this point (excepting SH034, SH090, and INSO08, which respectively won't, can't, and won't be published/republished for various reasons) have now been added to the SH site with some nice pictures and alternate writeups. There is also an index covering them which can be found at
Next step is to check over the .org videos and reupload anything that's fallen off, and add comments pointing at the offsite entry because we apparently don't have link bug reporting here any more. This should be done by the end of the year or thereabouts. This is also about the anticipated time-to-completion of the VHS purge, though that's still likely to hang over into January.
A recent shakeout of the ideas list is also complete; this indicates that I will be done making AMVs with SH130 sometime between January 2013 (if I hustle) and December of that year (if I don't). The finish line is in sight, for certain very loose definitions of "in sight".
--Kai out
orbit round the earth
2010-11-22 10:30:15
While I was in Hong Kong, I forgot to do something specific AMV-related. Oh well. It can wait a little longer.
That being said, I'm now likely within about a month and a half of being done the VHS crushdown, and I should be getting more time, as the fall touring season winds down into winter, to work on videos. The nebulous ideas already mentioned are still out there, but the next two projects, both new ones, after the current one, are now decided. I get to break video, break ideas, and jam technical death metal. Sweet.
As I still have to finish the GTO one that is technically on the blocks, the timeline on those is still "eventually". There's a lot of cut ahead, but as I run out of stuff in the VHS pile that I want to rewatch while it's copying, I can take more time cutting in the opportunities for parallelism that avail themselves.
--Kai out
getting a taste for poison
2010-11-02 17:25:32
Just because I'm not working on SH116 doesn't mean I'm not working. I'm no farther on the current video than I was at the last update, but this is largely because I finished selling the CDs I didn't want, which meant that there were few enough (~800) remaining that I could move them onto the rack that formerly held my DVD collection (the DVDs now being piled in the now-empty shelf space that had been occupied by the piles of CDs to be sold off), exposing the stacks of VHS tapes that had been put in the back of the closet when I moved into this place. Tapes accessible, they could be crunched over to DVD at a vigorous five-per-day pace, which will sometime at the end of January result in several stacks of commercial VHS needing fobbed off as collectors' items, an empty closet, and free time to work on other stuff again.
Strictly speaking, this should not be a blocking task, as long as I remember to change tapes/DVD blanks every two hours or so. The problem is that of late, there has been a decent amount of stuff I actually want to rewatch in the sample...that and Dragon Ball that I need to rewatch and make markings on the discs in order to plan for an upcoming video idea. This is an older idea, but has been stuck for a while because I moved off the system where I had a capture card available before I finished duping the full run of the series from MITAC and had relatively little interest in either buying the show on DVD, because the idea wouldn't work, or rewatching 140 episodes to mark out which ones I actually need to bring into the editor to cut Krillin content out of. This will go under more serious consideration after the Get Rid Of All These Goddamned VHS Tapes I Don't Need Hero Project is over, but the question of how many discs, exactly, are going to be under survey is going to decide where it goes in the actual production queue.
Delaying both the tape deathmarch and SH116 is the fact that I'm going to be in Hong Kong for most of the next two weeks. This has some potential upsides for other ideas, though; I need to find the second season of Moonlight Mile in order to make a decision on a Nevermore video, and if I had an environment capable of watching videos with the requisite battery life to hack it, 32 hours on airplanes is an excellent way to do the actual source-checking needed to determine whether the Winter Sonata/Woods of Ypres idea I've been mulling over falls closer to 'doable' or 'undoable'. Not going to happen, though; some weekend around the turn of the year will get sacrificed to that purpose, and we'll see whether one idea or as many as three make it into what remains of the nearly drained queue.
--Kai out
really did fail for the first time
2010-10-08 09:59:51
I should have gone out to either Fires of Old or 1349 last night, but the motivation failed, and I ended up sitting home. The guilt struck pretty quick -- if I'm not doing something useful for the scene, I might as well be doing something productive -- and as a result I rolled through another four VOBs for the current project. The print is bad but getting better, the rate of source acquisition is ok, and it looks like I'm about 1/16 of the way through the cut -- halfway done this disc, but it's looking more and more like I'm going to need to cut through all eight discs in order to be sure I have everything I need.
I also happened to run across a sequence that was easily cut down and rejiggered into an INSO cut; you can preview the video fidelity of the coming SH video and enjoy a moderately-entertaining 17-second joke on:
Mercy sakes alive, looks like I done blown the video source for SH116. No biggie; Tokyopop didn't do a lot of releases that went this deep, and the aforementioned awful print really cut down the search space. Also, the likelihood that this goes for competition is basically nil, so it doesn't matter in the first place.
--Kai out
faster | day by day
2010-10-01 13:49:42
All 11 videos from all three demos that had not been posted to local previously are now up, probably shortly to get torpedoed for being old, in crap fidelity, and having clunky title cards spread through them. This is in response to actual popular demand, surprisingly enough.
Project Sell All These Fucking CDs I Decided To Get Rid Of is interfering with work on the new video, but there will probably be some more progress this weekend. It may not be as hard as SH105, in the end, but it may end up taking just as long when I mark out the time spent hanging out with friends, at shows, out of the country, or just sitting on the couch drinking and watching movies. Still, though; when it gets done, it'll be finally done after several years of saying wow, that'd be a cool idea, and I'll be one video closer to being done, period, as well.
--Kai out
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