Kai Stromler (Kai Stromler)
come and make me holy again
2015-05-19 09:54:57
- Source rip: complete
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: done, as far as it goes
- Clipping: complete
- Edit: 3:11/5:28
- Postproc: none
I'm still not up to the wall hit, but it's lurking; hopefully, I can tie off the backwards section before I hit into it, but managing that transition over is going to take an uncomfortably large chunk of whatever time I happen to have for editing tonight. Being more than half done by song time is fine and all, but I've done only one out of the likely three cases of rip-out-and-rebuild that I'll need to do on this video; with that in mind, most of the hard work is still decidedly in front of me, and that's not even counting the fact that I'm largely out of lyrics at this point and the concept is going to have to hold the video up on its own the rest of the way.
The good news is that doing check builds is going to make that hit a lot less painful when it comes; I've found and fixed at least one major issue per build since I started doing them, either technical or stylistic, so the added value is worth the fifteen or so minutes of doing nothing while I render an ever-increasing extent out and then sit through two to three minutes of something I've checked six times already. The bad news is that despite ten years working with this editor, I still do not have a concrete reason for *why* it happens, or what the "wall hit" behavior actually *is*. The exported uncompressed AVI, when it occurs and I have to rework it to restart, tends to be within spitting distance of a whole-gigabyte figure, so address space may be an issue. But more complex videos see them faster than simpler ones, so the number of cuts on the timeline, not just the uncompressed duration of video behind them, is a factor as well (and well that it is, or I wouldn't be able to restart after one) -- probably the dominant factor, since the hits come at the same place time-wise, generally, whether I'm working with SD or HD inputs. As long as I can recover from these hits when they happen, it's not worth it to take the time to spade out exactly what's going on with them; it's enough to know that they're there, about where they're likely to occur, and how to identify as soon as I get stuck and get kicking on recovery.
--Kai out
beg the truth from strangers
2015-05-18 11:18:37
- Source rip: complete
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: done, as far as it goes
- Clipping: complete
- Edit: 2:04/5:28
- Postproc: none
Keeping the hammer down, I pushed on past the wall hit later last night and should be able to get across the halfway mark, if not all the way to the next hit for tonight. Introducing no little difficulty into this is the fact that I can't accurately see what I'm doing in the editor, and need to cut check builds rather often to confirm that what I'm doing is actually working, and actually connects back to what went before. This is a pain, but I'm actually doing it, and it's had a good effect so far in terms of keeping the effects where I need them to be, and reducing the amount of cleanup mistakes that I'd otherwise need to to go back and fix on wall hits. It's going to take a while, but the work is its own reward; at about 40 seconds per hour, I won't finish tonight, but the couple hours that I'll be able to put in will show good results.
--Kai out
to die at my feet
2015-05-17 12:55:39
- Source rip: complete
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: done, as far as it goes
- Clipping: complete
- Edit: 1:48/5:28
- Postproc: none
The major lesson of the last ten days is that when you recognize something as an addictive behavior pattern to the point that you have to stop doing it, you need to stay stopped doing it, period. Addiction is forever, and if not everything is as compulsive and damaging as, say, heroin, that's not a reason to take it lightly. Having stepped back away and resolved to stay stepped back away, I am nearly back on track with my language commitments and up to, as of this morning, the first wall hit at about the 30% mark. Having other stuff to do, this video will probably not finish before the end of the week, but stranger things have happened. The video's looking pretty good at this point, but it is also pretty early, and I haven't done a project this long in literally years; we'll see if I can stay on schedule, and keep up to at least the current marks set.
--Kai out
climb the turnbuckle high
2015-05-07 09:23:12
- Source rip: complete
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: done, as far as it goes
- Clipping: complete
- Edit: 0:02/5:28
- Postproc: none
Somehow, I was able to push on through a pretty much max-commitment night last night and get the song mapped out, then take a couple minutes this morning and straighten out the tail end of the song before doing up basically what amounts to a style guide on the first couple seconds. There is both more and possibly less than two seconds done; some of this is a reflection on the limitations of the still pretty linear progress block formatting, but more is a reflection of the fact that when you're talking about two seconds of video and still zero rejected edit decisions, there is a lot of room for shit to be kind of nebulous.
The expectation is that I won't be able to get anything done tonight (vocab days are hard like that), but this can change; if there is anything consistent about this process, it is that plans, as everywhere else in the world, vanish into dust at the first point of challenge. We'll see; as yet there is not nearly enough information on pace to define how long this is going to take in hours per minute, let alone slot out how those hours are going to happen in any kind of real-time framework.
--Kai out
one for sorrow
2015-05-06 09:31:47
- Source rip: complete
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: working...
- Clipping: complete
- Edit: none
- Postproc: none
For the most part, the prep work is done: the cut is finished, and the source is loaded and indexed, the song set up for timing and close planning. Had I managed to get that done before the end of last night, it might have been possible to start editing today; unfortunately, commitments today are such that it is going to be virtually impossible to do anything more than get the song accurately mapped and timed out.
This, though, does not stop me from looking ahead: most of the work by anticipated time commitment is still ahead on this one, but with the cut finished and a commitment made to getting stuff on the timeline and figuring out how and when and within what parameters edit is going to happen is basically the event horizon where a video turns from something that might happen to something that is going to happen imminently. Once that's decided, the weight of the production queue inevitably pushes the next one forward: under consideration for SH128 are two projects from VHS->DVD conversions, one of which is a new idea from the scraps of SH126 (which I said I probably wouldn't do, but this is a little more constrained) and one of which is an old idea that was previously assigned to, and then de-assigned from, SH120 four years ago. The decision point is probably going to come at the end of the weekend; if things flow one way, I might be most of the way done editing, able to finish next week, and with enough time to fit in a six-disc cut with significant picture damage in time to also do a more modern video before packing out at the end of June. If they go the other, more likely way, I do almost no editing, lose yet another week of May, and to finish two projects in a month would have to promote the one that doesn't involve doing a cut. This also kind of indirectly dictates which of the two non-selected contenders for SH127 is going to get slotted for SH129, but thinking seriously about something at that distance is too much even for this kind of exercise.
--Kai out
Current server time: Mar 14, 2025 23:19:29