Kai Stromler (Kai Stromler)
to give the kiss of shame
2015-04-22 08:42:29
- Source rip: complete
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: basically done
- Clipping: complete
- Edit: 1:17/3:55
- Postproc: none
If SH124 was not enough evidence, this video is probably going to be the final argument in favor of dropping triggered strobes from 'cut' to 'effect'. It's seriously at the point where I'm *not* strobing things for effect, most of the video being triggered to hell and back. It's working so far, so I'm not about to go and change it; there are sections later in the song where it's not appropriate, or where I'm going to have to track the kicks a lot more closely, but I'm not quite there yet.
The other major note from last night is that I'm definitely hitting the marks on brutality that I was aiming for. This one is going to be only slightly longer than SH030, the most brutal of its SH precursors, but at slightly less than 1/3 done already includes more than half as many cuts that would disqualify it from local hosting. There's still more "go up" in this regard, and I need to keep the hammer down through the rest of the song, but it's looking quite likely that this video's going to achieve its intended results.
--Kai out
in unremembered rooms
2015-04-21 10:22:41
- Source rip: complete
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: basically done
- Clipping: complete
- Edit: 0:34/3:55
- Postproc: none
For one reason or another, I lost most of the weekend and am coming back into another tight stretch, but I do have the first major chunk of the song done, and was able to steal some time and straighten out the one thing in that leg that I was less than happy with early this morning. I hope to be able to plunge on and get through the first actual verse tonight, but there is as usual a whole bunch of other stuff that will tend to get in the way. As expected, the big problem so far has been option paralysis; this is a good thing, and I need to be careful to survey the entire space so that having three great cuts for a given section is a problem that will continue the rest of the way through the video.
--Kai out
this idle day
2015-04-15 09:27:45
- Source rip: complete
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: basically done
- Clipping: complete
- Edit: none
- Postproc: none
The song's mapped out and filled in with comments about what it's going to require, and I took a little time to do some work on infrastructure that's mostly applicable only to this video, but did not end up kicking on into actual editing. Technically, I made and rejected one edit decision, but at this point, that goes more under "planning", and 0:00/3:56 is the same as "none" in the Edit column. I should be able to get the first seven seconds done tonight, one way or another, but there's enough other shit I have to do that expecting much more is probably not going to be real productive.
Despite not having this video done yet, I also took advantage of some latency at work yesterday to make a concept decision on SH127; there were three competing melodeath-ish ideas sitting in about the same space that needed to get shaken into a precedence order. That decision is pretty much final now pending a source check, but again, won't become important until SH126 wraps and I can actually think about working on it. The other two candidates are still in the pipeline, but with the likely candidate for *SH128* being what it is, it's much less likely that they, not going in the SH127 slot, will end up getting made before I sling up my pack for the summer.
--Kai out
victimized | i'm left alone
2015-04-14 11:02:17
- Source rip: complete
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: complete
- Storyboard/planning: nebulous
- Clipping: complete
- Edit: none
- Postproc: none
As it turns out, I was able to finish the cut last night, despite several problems at the intersection of old, bad codices and broken, incomplete, indices. Between one thing and another, I'm not likely to get into edit tonight, but I do have all 1550 or so source cuts indexed and should be able to get the song plotted out; edit, once that starts happening, is probably going to take like another week assuming a conservative hour per 20 seconds and minimal time available on the weekend. This weekend is looking ok, generally, in terms of time available, but it's better to plan for a suboptimal scenario rather than assume that everything is just going to go fine by itself.
The main reason for scanning through all the source at the end is because Magix is kind of bad and building its clip indexes in the actual editing process is a pain and a half, but on a big project like this it's also helpful in terms of reviewing what kind of source I have, and how that's going to inform the video. Cutting 60-odd blocks of 30 sources over a six-week period, it's only natural to lose track, to a certain degree, of what went in at the start, and what your expectations of useful and usable content were. The raw materials are definitely there to make a pretty good video of this; all that remains is to actually kick on and start putting it together.
--Kai out
don't want to die in here
2015-04-13 09:44:35
- Source rip: complete
- Music: complete
- Precleaning: probably complete
- Storyboard/planning: none
- Clipping: 60/63
- Edit: none
- Postproc: none
After an especially productive weekend, I am now nearly finished with the cut; language commitments may prevent me from finishing tonight, but the last three blocks should get ground up quickly, and at any rate I should be at least into edit, finally, before the end of the week. The huge source volume may make the going slow, but there is probably not another 10 hours of work left in this video, and definitely not another 20. The end, such as it is with zero work done on actually assembling the video out of the pieces that have been disassociated for it, is definitely in sight.
In the process of chopping through most of the leftovers, I did discard one title; I was prepared for it to be old and shitty and in a small resolution, but old, shitty, small, heavily rainbowed, and somehow in 15 FPS from a PAL input was a bridge too far. I was aiming for only a handful of cuts from that one regardless, so it's not like it was a huge loss, and the work spent to revive it to something marginally reasonable would have been completely out of proportion to its value to the final video. This one has already taken more time than any video since SH095; when you're making that kind of investment, you need to be sure that you're going to get a return.
That said, there's already a return, in that virtually any cut that I'm looking ahead at on the production slate has been trivialized. Everything is impossible until it's attempted; some things remain so regardless, but part of the reason that this got pushed off for so long was that I wasn't certain that I could keep going and grind through a cut this long, that I could clean up a lot of this old garbage source into something vaguely presentable. That's done, now, and projects that are "only" six discs long, or "only" from VHS->DVD fansub conversions, are a lot more achievable and reasonable in their scope than they would have been six weeks ago. No cut is ever going to be strictly *easy*, but most of the things that you can set out on, as an AMV editor, are going to be less demanding than sixty blocks of bad transfers. If this is something you can do, having done, there is not a lot that you won't be able to.
--Kai out
Current server time: Mar 15, 2025 09:11:15