JOURNAL: Kai Stromler (Kai Stromler)

  • my body never recovered 2015-03-31 11:27:55
    - Source rip: complete
    - Music: complete
    - Precleaning: 11/37
    - Storyboard/planning: none
    - Clipping: 35/64
    - Edit: none
    - Postproc: none

    As anticipated, Darkside Blues was a quick cut and easily cleaned, so despite a bunch of other stuff to do, I was able to chop through all of it, leaving only three moderately dirty vobs left of the DVD chunk of the cut, which I should be able to resolve in the next two nights. I wasn't able to get a lot from this film, but what's in is choice; there's probably also another video in this title that will use more of what's actually here, but that's a long, long ways down the road.

    I have, again, a ton of non-video stuff to do tonight, but I should again be able to move it around to create optimal cutting time. As noted a ways back, finishing the DVD part of the cut is a long first step towards being able to go into edit; time will tell how much cleanup is actually going to be needed on the digital parts, but I've already cut more than half of the source by sheer volume, so that's at least something.

    --Kai out

  • in retaliation 2015-03-30 10:14:30
    - Source rip: complete
    - Music: complete
    - Precleaning: 10/37
    - Storyboard/planning: none
    - Clipping: 31/60
    - Edit: none
    - Postproc: none

    Between one thing and another, I lost most of a whole week, and then the quotes went kinda...sideways, a natural consequence of somehow finding Darkside Blues in the used DVD rack and immediately slotting that in as a minor title. There are four vobs to cut for about three, maybe as many as seven cuts, but they're good enough to make the effort worthwhile, and the cleanup is not real intense.

    In that lost week, though, is encapsulated a pretty significant change to summer plans that is going to result in a significant slowdown in production. I'm going to be back on mandatory two-hour language commitments from today onward, and when those finish, I'm likely to be actually overseas. It's most likely that SH126 will finish around the end of April, but after that, two videos maximum before I get back in July. Well, if I get back, that is; nothing is certain.

    --Kai out

  • for i am the danger 2015-03-20 09:45:38
    - Source rip: complete
    - Music: complete
    - Precleaning: 9/36
    - Storyboard/planning: none
    - Clipping: 27.5/60
    - Edit: none
    - Postproc: none

    Another on-call week successfully concluded, and with few enough interruptions that I was able to cut through the end of Crimson Wolf and get into Shuten Doji, despite the sickening drop in print fidelity. The rainbows are gone, as anticipated, but it's blended all to fuck and I caught another mag fault, this time in a frame I actually would have used otherwise. The DVD portion of the cut is coming to its end, but the "DVD prints that do not look like absolute assvomit" portion has in all likelihood already gone by the boards.

    This weekend is going to be fairly busy, and most of what I actually expect to get out of this title is later in the disc, requiring more time, but it's not out of the question that I might be at least setting up cleaning on digital sources by the start of next week. Strewn across a wide variety of formats from several different eras of online bootlegging, these may actually involve more cleanup time, relative to cut length, than the DVDs, but I'm not really in a position to even tell at this point. All I can do is keep the head down and press on with what's in front of me, and worry about later parts of the process when they come up.

    --Kai out

  • bow to me splendidly 2015-03-17 11:17:37
    - Source rip: complete
    - Music: complete
    - Precleaning: 8/36
    - Storyboard/planning: none
    - Clipping: 23/60
    - Edit: none
    - Postproc: none

    One more checked off, one more loaded on. The good news is that Crimson Wolf has an unambiguously all-digital print, a rarity this early, and thus completely lacks legacy blends, magnetic color distortion, and frame bounce on splices, which have been continuing issues to a greater or lesser degree all the way through this cut. The bad news is that, like many early all-digital prints, there is dotcrawl all over the goddamn place and while the rainbows are not omnipresent, when they are, they're really bad and obvious. I can fix this, but packing two smart smoothers into the filter chain has a disastrous effect on processing time: down to 1 fps again, and I'm looking for other stuff to keep occupied with while clips render out. Fortunately, I may be able to ditch the IQ smoother for most of the cuts; the rainbowing is not as persistent as in some of the worse Pioneer prints from this era -- and the better news is that this is probably the only DVD in the pile that I'll have to fix this way. I'm not expecting the authoring on the last two to be super-great, but it's quite likely that they've got enough other, analog picture damage that any rainbows will be less notable and more easily crushed along with everything else I'm cleaning up.

    --Kai out

  • innocent she now cries 2015-03-16 15:31:38
    - Source rip: complete
    - Music: complete
    - Precleaning: 7/36
    - Storyboard/planning: none
    - Clipping: 21/60
    - Edit: none
    - Postproc: none

    Having shed some unnecessary existential angst, I kicked on and smashed up most of the hardsubbed minor DVD VOBs; the second and rag-end of Karura Mau should finish tonight, and then I get back to the hard part with commercial DVDs. I was prepared for this to be harder than it was, but the *lack* of boneheaded dark-ages commercial VHS->DVD conversion is actually working in my favor. I'm having to sand off several generations' worth of picture damage in the filter chain, but crucially, all of these generations (save the last) are between the same formats. The tape copy I got from MITAC a decade ago was obviously not from the originating group's original SVHS master, and the dub I did of it was from one piece of shit Walmart VHS player to another, but I'm able to resolve most of the color issues and some of the apparent blowout problems, without simultaneously having to try to remove multiple sources of interlacing and frame blends. There are cuts that I can't use because too much information is just gone, resulting in half-shaped blobs of color, but most of the print is pretty salvageable. I couldn't do a full video from this title as is, but it'll slot in just fine for some highlight cuts in this video.

    When I can get through here, and when I can finish chopping up the remaining DVDs, should give me a much better idea of when this is going to finish up. There's a decent amount of volume in the digital piles, but nearly all of it is marked as 'minor', where I'm looking for only a handful of cuts per title, and historically other people's encodes have needed a lot less work to clean up -- which impacts not only the time doing the precleaning steps, but also the speed at which the cutting process renders. I'm not going to start editing before the end of the month regardless, but if I'm deep into the digital bucket by that time, it's possible that SH127 might wrap before the end of April. One task at a time, but the reality of turning an idea board into a production queue means that there's always something coming up next.

    --Kai out

Current server time: Mar 15, 2025 17:11:29