narutoball (lee )
2008-06-20 15:29:19
Well I completed Metal Gear Solid 4 yesterday and it was awesome, although I did feel it was a bit short and if felt like there could've been other things to add, but the shadow moses(sp?) section was amazing, seriously no game has really done something like tha,t and the flashback of the PS1 games was just such a nice easter egg.
Really ill though, Hayfever is driving me crazy T_T Need to find a new job so i can get money for computer + AWA, (if i can gather that much money, i doubt it since i will need around £1000 ($2000) T.T
2008-06-19 04:48:06
Theres no way i'm going into College today, i haven't done my photography homework and my teacher will yell at me T_T, i should go into psychology, but that means 3 hours of lost time that could've been spent on MGS4/Rock Band/Brawl or mario kart. O:
I r bored =(
2008-06-16 14:32:43
Just as i was getting usd to summer holidays, i got chucked back into college for a few days to start next years course, and its as boring as hell...well most of it, I have to already start photography coursework which is in for next friday, then i gotta do some science research, In media we get to make a music video though O: they actually have stuff like final cut, but are trying to make us use iMovie <_> so ill just take this laptop in next year and use after effects and vegas since we will be doing it in segments..
Sunday was awesome, my brother came home for a bit and we played alot of rock band and some metal gear solid and shit together, was fun, had a bbq and just was off the internet for a while, which was great, made me realise i don't want to be on as much as i was before so ill try and take more brakes from this w0rld. So close to getting new computer, only about £150 off =D but i might save an extra bit so i can get a good sound system and capture card with it as it would defiantely be hlepful over the holidays.
Metal Gear Online
2008-06-13 11:30:41
Has anyone else here got it? just been playing and it was mega fun O:
2008-06-12 11:25:50
Does anyone in the UK want to come to AmeCon with me?
Current server time: Jan 23, 2025 12:36:05