narutoball (lee )
2008-09-14 12:23:22
I fucking hate your guts...
2008-09-09 06:08:51
Yesterday We had to go into college if we wanted to change some of our subjects. I put down to drop Photography which i now actually want back, in its place i wanted to drop Applied Science. So i go to my tutor and he says its all fine, checks the numbers in the class's and gets the form filled out. So we walk down to the resturant area where they (as in, the form tutor) hands in the form and a group of people examine it and let you change. So go to this first lady and she checks over for about 5 minutes, says its all good and to go hand it in to the lady behind. I go up to her and she just says "Photographys Full". i asked whats going on since we just had it checked adn said there were places. She just says they aren't taking anyone else. So i get a bit annoyed and say that the database has spaces open, is there something wrong with it? She just replied saying A2 Photography is full and that I shoudl leave.
So now i don't know what to do. I mean i can still take applied science, I got a B in it but I don't fill very confident in the subject and my knowledge since this year you have to make purposals to companies to do some research with them. I would need guidance and I know it. I can do some research and ask for some help but I really don't have a clue at the moment.
Also on tuesday WEEK I have to go on a trip for science for 3 days..its 5 hours in a small mini van down to the coast, i can't really remember what its about..But i really cannot be bothered to go, it seems like to much hassle to quickly =(
Since I can't do photography it means I have far less work to do, and potenitally can focus on applied science way easier. My time table is absolutely amazing as I usually go in at 10:30 and come home at 12:25. In some cases I go in ay 3pm <_<
I'm just confused..I don't know where to go next, I think I made myself believe that photography was the right choice but maybe it isn't. The reason I did want to take it though is because I knew what we would be doing, I knew everything and could easily have taken on the work. Furthermore there was a trip to New York, which I can't go on now =( instead I go to this shitty cabin for 3 days =/
Gah..what do i do? I can take up another AS level (at college here you go for 2 years, AS = year 1, A2 = Year 2, then you move onto university) And start completely fresh or should i continue applied science which I really don't want to..
What Makes it worse is that my friend wanted to do Photography again as well and When i found out I couldn't do it I phoned him and told him its full, but when I get home he phones me and says he got in. I was like "Wtf are you talking about Aaron?" I later found out that he actually only handed in the form to the teacher, and not the panel down in the resturants. I immediately phoned My college and asked for my form tutor, I ended up talking to my photography teacher instead, She said there weren't any places open she knew of, Then when i go onto the phone with my tutor He said he hasn't recieved an E-mail saying that there are open spaces and theres generated e-mails sent to the teachers telling them when something has changed. I left it for 45 minutes and phoned back up and he said he had heard nothing and the panel was now closed.
So I don't know if my friend did get in since he only gave the form to his tutor and not the panel. He might've gotten in as there were people who dropped out of photography in exchange for antoher subject, I am uncertain of this. I bugged him last night to phone his tutor but he hasn't...Gah. I just don't know where to go now...
More bad news is that I lost my composite cable for my wii, So i can't use my dazzle with it at the moment. Rock Band 2 is coming in the US this sunday as well..No release date for the EU here, i would expect it about march.
Interestingly though rock band 2 got added to the market place on xbox live, so maybe its a sign that the game will be region free? Or it may not be that far away from release at all. It could be that Guitar Hero World Tour is coming out november 11th here, If rock band didn't get its act together then they would lose this chunk of the market. I want tales of vesperia =( thats not out over here till 2009..ugh
Although Good news was I fount good quality settings for my dazzle =) But i don't know what to reccord now..blah
Need something to take my mind off of all this crap..Pretty bored.
2008-09-06 13:52:11
Well, my video creator platinum came today, I was very angry at it for quite a while since i couldn't get it to work, but after about 30 minutes on the phone with customer services it works now. The quality isn't that bad, but i need to capture better, ill try virtual dub later and vegas etc.
Can't wait to make some videos =)
2008-09-05 18:34:54
Sure =D
No groping this time though <.<
2008-09-05 15:18:12
Yeah i knew you would like it >:3
You should never doubt the balls my friend
As for games (i didn't see before sorry). I guess you don't want halo 3 again, i'm playing gears and its fun, 2 play co op so ill play with you o: GTA IV is really fun. Rock band 2 is out there in like a week, so wait for that i guess.
Oh shit, you got tales of vesperia over there now, definately get that.
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