timelord (Daniel Brown)
Thoroughly Mod-ern Timelord
2007-03-26 00:16:40
Been about a month since I've said anything here. Not much outside the usual routine has happened. My procrastination at finding a job continues to confound efforts to purchase the second hard drive needed to make any videos. You'd think I'd learn by now...
Though I'm still not on the fast track in a paying career, I do have a new job of sorts. I spend a lot of time on the forums of the Anime Pulse podcast, and after recent events (read: a few people being total idiots), the admin decided it was time to recruit more moderators. Apparently I was among the people nominated, and so now I have power and authoritae.
Only two months on the forum, and now I'm a mod. Hope I can do justice to the position.
Home Invasion (Deceptive title, read on)
2007-02-23 14:15:58
Anyone else ever have their home invaded by 9 relatives and a heard of weiner dogs all at once? o_O
In the beginning it was three: aunt, uncle, and cousin. Then last night we get a phone call saying that many more people are going to be here, at least for a the weekend, as a surprise for my aunt's 60th birthday.
I'm just wondering if we're all going to survive this... I feel most sorry for my grandma, because her house is where everyone always stays. At least I can keep myself shut in here in case things get too crazy.
My Adevntures In The Judicial System
2007-02-15 20:16:17
So yes, I had to report for jury duty this morning at 8. It took awhile for everyone who was called in today to show up, we all answered a questionaire, and were divided into two groups, each one to be sent off to a different judge. After that it was "hurry up and wait."
After almost a couple of hours, the other group was sent off to an early lunch break, while my group waited around some more until we were called up to the courtroom. About half of us, including me, were called in first by name and shown to the jury seats, while the rest just sat in the gallery. The judge wlecomed us, explained a few things about the law and what our role as jurors was, that we were to be impartial analyzers of the facts.
The prosecutor then began asking a few people questions, mostly aimed at determining their qualification for serving on the jury. No questions were pointed at me, and I figure it was because of how I had responded to the questionaire.
We took a lunch break and came back later... to wait some more! But one lady couldn't take it and decided to give us an impromptu CPR class (she does this for a living). The other group eventually got sent home because the defendant in that case settled, and they got to leave, never having even gotten to the courtroom. My group stuck around an hour or so longer and were finally called back. Thankfully our case had been settled as well, so the judge thanked us and sent us on our way.
So BIG waste of time =P But I will admit it was interesting to be a part of that whole process, even though I hope I don't get called again in a long time, or ever. And I'm glad it was cut short, such as it was, because we were told the selection process was likely to take longer than the actual trial o_O
I'm going into hybernation for the rest of the weekend now...... -__-
Jury Duty? DUN DUN DUN!
2007-02-14 15:51:51
I've got to call a phone number tonight to find out if I've been dismissed or still have to report VERY EARLY tomorrow morning to continue the selection process. More on this later...
Job Hunting & Jury Hell... er, Duty
2007-02-10 23:17:59
I went down to the cable company yesterday and grabbed a form of instructions for making a job application online, so I'm going to check that out.
I'm still probably going to get things set up to get the teaching certification, but the idea of having that job loses it's appeal every day. I really don't have the personality to deal with juveniles... um, teenagers. I don't have the patience of my parents or my sister. It would be weird if I did end up going in that direction, make it practically a family business. We'll see though. I still might do that eventually, but for right now all I really care about is getting a decent job that pays well.
And I have to report this week for jury selection. Got my notice in the mail before Christmas (wasn't that a LOVELY present). I have to report at 8 AM on Thursday. Hm, day after Valentines. Nobody loves me, but someone up there sure must hate me. And I think it's too late to try and send in some kind of excuse to get out of it. I can only hope that I don't get picked.
But yay! sKy's putting up another video ^_^ Fingers at the ready, poised to review.
And now to kill the next 45 minutes watching Iron Chef America and messing on the computer before the new Bleach.
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