JOURNAL: timelord (Daniel Brown)

  • Day-trip to Hell 2007-02-06 22:34:45 Ugh... Tomorrow will be the first of my two annual trips to the hospital where I've had all my operations. It's a regular clinic visit. They poke and prod me, ask questions.

    It just sucks because it's a 3 hour drive from where we live, then the visit itself usually lasts a couple of hours, and then 3 hours back. It's more the drive that gets on my nerves, and the fact that im so far away from home outside my comfort zone all day. But I just deal and don't whine, I'm too old for that anyway. It's much more fun to assert my snarky side and crack wise with the doctors.

    Switching gears, all I can say is I'm damn glad we have a specialty anime shop around here. When Best Buy decide to be morons and don't stock something, I can usually find it or order it at the shop (the only downside being slightly higher prices on single DVDs).  
  • Rant Time #1: Best Buy & "Limited Availability" 2007-02-05 02:28:34 I don't at all enjoy being pissed about anything to do with the anime, or manga, or even music I try to get. And when something that should be fairly easy to obtain doesn't turn out so, I can get a little irrational. At least I just hit objects and not people.

    I recently read reviews and stuff about Rumbling Hearts (Kimi ga Nozomu Eien to those who know it by the Japanese title), watched the first episode on it's FUNimation website, and got hooked on it. A nice straight drama/romance with no frills like scifi, fantasy, or oddball comedy.

    But when I go today to find Volume 1... its not there. Out of stock? Ok, fine, hope they can get more in when Volume 2 gets released this week. I check their website and find the two most dreaded words: "Limited Availability". Which means our Best Buy does not and probably will not stock the item.

    I'm going to check back again later in the week. If it comes down to it I will special order the discs, but I really hope I'm wrong on this one.

    To add an important point, expenditures for this month are not looking good for getting that second hard drive. I'm going to keep looking for the best deal on one in the 160-200 GB range, but needing to pay to take a teaching eligability test ($56) and appropriate work wear for when I DO get a job, not to mention these DVDs (the anime comes first)... If not this month, definietly next month for the hard drive.

    You can hold me to that if you want =P 
  • Upside / Downside 2007-02-01 02:54:19 Well, another month has come upon us, which means new money, which means with any luck soon I can get that magical second hard drive and then actually begin ripping and editing for the first video.

    As January is left behind, on the upside I'm getting closer to figuring out what to do for work. I'm going to check out the newspaper and the cable company to see what kind of positions they are offering (and what pay and benefits as well). On the flipside of this is the possibility of persuing a teaching certification. With a BA in English/Writing, all I need to do is take and pass an elegability test. From there I would take a 1-year stint of classes that would actually prepare me to teach, rathering than chucking me into the deep end with the "I dont know what the hell I'm doing!" boulder tied to my ankles.

    On the downside, I think buying that Berserk dvd set was a mistake. I love dark fantasy... but that show is awful o_O $76 down the drain. I'll probably take it back and they can resell it as "used", but I'd hate to lose that much money over something like that. I'm hoping to maybe arrange an exchange for another series set that's about the same price. Being on first name basis with the guy who runs the shop, perhaps it can be done...

    On the upside, I got my Anime Pulse t-shirt in the mail. On the back it says, "Would you like to see my Bankai?" I'm planning on wearing it soon on a hospital clinic visit to see if I can get a reaction out of the docs and nurses, heh.
    On the downside... the shirt fits but is a bit longer than I prefer. This is why I don't like buying a shirt I haven't tried on first.

    Getting This night owl routine isn't healthy. Damn college and it's ability to mutate students into vampires. Anyway, must sleep now. -_-
  • See What?? 2007-01-26 22:37:23 What Ben?? I see nuhsink! =P 
  • Mother Nature has a twisted sense of humor 2007-01-25 15:06:27 Um... I know it's still January, but this is Florida. Is it weird to turn on the Weather Channel and see a wind chill advisory streaming at the bottom of the screen saying "If you must venture outside, be sure to wear a hat and gloves"? Guess that 80 degree weather over the weekend fooled us.

    I can't wait for Spring... 
Current server time: Jan 14, 2025 07:41:52