Oops, I did it again
2005-03-22 04:15:55
Well, I got back into editing a lot faster than I thought I would.
I got this crazy idea that was first going to be an animated gif, then a mini-amv in the credits of another one I had planned, then I thought it might make a good AMV Hell contribution.
I'll have to see if it's acceptable, but it really doesn't matter, since I was determined to make this litle thing no matter what, just for the fun of it.
I've never worked so fast before, I got home last night with the CD I needed around 9 PM, worked for around 4 hours, then another 5 or 6 hours here and there today, and bam, it's about as done as I thingk it's going to get, or needs to be, for that matter. Mind it's only 40 seconds long, but it's still a speed record for me.
Lots of things just went "right", and maybe a year's worth of pent-up creative urge had something to do with it as well.
I'm not sure when or if I'll publically release such a 'wrong" video, (it really is just wrong, but so funny, at least I think so) but one thing's for sure:
I'm back.
Rise From Your Grave!
2005-03-17 03:44:45
Somehow, I'm beginning to get the urge to edit AMVs again after nearly a year and a half away from the scene.
I don't regret the time away, I've had time to put my life in better order, get some perspective, etc.
I guess it was a combination of a few things. I'd been getting bored with World of Warcraft, ( my latest obsession of the last few months) when suddenly, I get an email from the Project Doomrider list that the project is finally finished. I'd very nearly forgotten I'd done a part for that, it was the last thing I finished before I put editing aside.
After a few visits to the .org and a couple posts about that project's release, I started remembering the good things I enjoyed about AMVs, and reading the new info got me interested in seeing how all this new stuff worked.
I'm starting small, using the new tools just to re-encode my old vids from the masters, to see what they are capable of, as I learn the new filters and methods.
No big plans for any new videos yet, but it may happen.
If I do start again, I think it will be for the right reason:
My own enjoyment of the act of creation, of bringing my own personal vision into being.
No deadlines, no multi-editor projects, no getting involved in or wound up over community drama. Just editing for the love of the act itself.
If I end up making something non-sucky enough, I might even list in in the database, or put it up for download. Or not.
No worrying about exchanging opinions, or ratings, or stars, or any of that.
I've met some pretty cool people being involved in all this, and while some are gone, many others are still around in various places. It would be a shame to let all that fall away without any effort on my part to make the best of things.
Alternative method of passive-agression
2003-08-13 19:47:35
Don't like the thought of giving some annoying twerp who complains about your opinion scores all 1s to get your opinion removed?
Give them all 10s instead.
Make their pathetic, undeserving little day.
Maybe you'll get a couple extra points on their review of your vid, in exchange. Let them wallow in their own happy little fantasy world, where they are the coolest amv maker ever, and winning big at contests is just around the corner. They are already too deluded to realize the truth.
Comment suggestions:
Good: OMG!!!11!1 yu0 RoxxX0rz! BeST evAr!
Bad: nothin
General: *DBZ/InuYashea/trigone* si teh beast Anime evear! w00tz0r!
OmniStrata has my complete agreement.
2003-08-13 13:01:44
@ Omni:
Look down a couple posts here, and you'll see my reaction to getting pig-squealed at by ungrateful whiners who only want high scores, no matter that their video sucks, and I put my honest, best effort into making my criticism constructive.
That's what put me off giving opinions very often, or to new/fairly new creators. I can take hits on my own vids and shrug it off, but I deeply resent being shit on when I put real effort into a review, and all I get is shit because the scores weren't "high enough". Fuck you chumps.
If you really want your score not to count, change them to all 1s, so it won't be counted in the average, and change your comments to something like:
Good: You are an ungrateful brat who can't take constructive criticism.
Bad: You don't deserve an honest, well reasoned opinion.
General: Phade, please remove this opinion, this person doesn't deserve the effort I put into the original.
Oh, and it wouldn't hurt to take a screenshot of your original scores/opinion, in case you get static from Phade about the change.
Fuck opinions and fuck scores.
I've been at this for a year now, and I can figure out for myself what I'm doing right or wrong.
Finished at last!
2003-07-20 02:43:17
I uploaded the final mpeg2 version of my NES Project video to the project server eariler tonight.
This was an awful lot of "firsts" for me
First Instrumental AMV, first (attempted) Dance AMV, first time I did most of the effects I used.
There are some things I'm quite pleased with, and some I'm not, but I guess that's the way it goes when you're working under a deadline.
I sure didn't think I'd have to spend so much time away from home and my editing gear when I signed up for the project. If I'm counting right, I've been away for around 8 or so weeks, cumulatively, since the middle of last December. Add in the extra time it takes to deal with backed up work, bills, etc. each time I get back, and it adds up to a lot of editing time lost.
All I've gotten done this whole first half of the year are two dead simple 30 second tracks for the Short AMV project, and now this 1:28 NES track. I don't have a shred of anything else started at this point, and it's looking doubtful if I'll complete anything in time for Expo at AWA. Even Sugoi Con in November is somewhat doubtful. I'm feeling pretty burned out just now, and I really don't have much desire to start a new project in the near future, or to rush through something, and have it be less thanit could be to make a deadline. Going to Sugoi and seeing my friends there but not having a vid in the contest would suck, though. Ugh.
Additional random thought:
Given that I made my first vid last fall, and the short AMVs I did were only half a minute each, and dead simple, this NES track is more like my second AMV than my fourth. I've now completed around 7 minutes of AMV footage, in total, roughly the length of two average songs. I like my NES track better when I think of it in those terms.
Sure, I've learned a lot this year, but there's no substitute for experience. That's probably why I work so slowly. Not enough time in the editing chair to really get familiar with Premiere and hit my stride.
I'm burnt.
I'm sick of Premiere, encoding, mailing lists, bulletin boards, IRC, looking at a computer screen in general. It's been too damn hot here for a week, too.
I'm going to go lie down with a fan blowing on me, and read a book.
Current server time: Dec 26, 2024 15:39:11