2009-03-23 23:17:46
The ORG gives me gas.
2009-03-21 04:43:42
Katie IS E.T.?
Ok ...
2009-03-18 14:02:55
Ok, so why is it OK to say why you should vote for a video .... but it is wrong to say why you shouldn't vote for it? I.E. Twilight is an Original concept and a wonderful execution of said concept. However, Code: Ecchi is not Original and is like a million videos that have come before it. People have a tendency to equate "I have never seen that anime in a video" to it being Original. This is why you should vote for one video and not another. What's wrong with that? If you can't handle debate, than you might want to look at yourself a little closer? Eh?
2009-03-17 10:49:10
Byes! Thanks for all the Fish!
2009-03-12 04:16:29
Ok, so I just realized that there are only 3 American editors in the Semi-Finals for action ...
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