Let us put things in perspective
2008-09-26 01:07:17
If your videos average 3.9+ for the most part, then you have far more lovers than haters. 0.0 So, always keep that in mind, for your very few haters are just vocal.
tis weird
2008-09-23 00:24:58
I keep getting requests to show "Lost in an Anime Dream" in panels at non-AMV conventions. I also know it is part of a PHD thesis on the online world of vidding. o.0
2008-09-13 23:03:04
BodyRock High has hit 1000 stars.
I got this email today from my website ...
2008-05-02 00:55:24
You said you liked feedback, so I thought I would write and let you know how your 'Lost Innocence' video is one of the most powerful AMV's I have ever watched. I accept that some people dismiss it as a medium, claiming you are just cutting and pasting clips alongside music, but I honestly don't think watching the anime would have had the same effect on me as your video did.
I first watched your video about two years ago when you had it up on youtube. Since I had recently suffered a miscarraige (due to similar circumstances that the protagonist in your video portrayed) it really struck me. I watched it over and over again, and each time the chord striking as she hits her belly with a rock made me physically wince. It was such a perfect, beautiful peice of editing art. I lost track of it for a long time (I believe you took it down) until I went looking again for the song by Kirstin Hersh (having found the Cat Stevens version not as good due to a lack of female vocalisation). I found your site, saw your email and thought 'Why not?'
So there you are, I hope the feedback was worth it :)
So, I was think of doing either my Sotly Rei video next of J2
2008-04-30 10:31:34
and I discovered Solty is already converted on one of my HDs .... that saves like 26 hours .... XD
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