Ohhh ... my DVD from Japan arrived!
2007-10-31 00:00:45
So that means I can start on both of my new videos at the same time ......
I hate this region DVD crap though .....
And Beth you are a news anchor ... I shall send you your lines in the next few days ... XD - 2007-10-22 16:07:59 Beth, call me .... =P
- Yes, I'm fine in the basic sense. 2007-10-13 15:18:09 Also, I gave up on this torrent crap and just ordered the dog gone R2s ......... -.-
- No matter 2007-10-05 22:57:41 how hard I work I get the shaft. While everything good happens to everybody around me. I GIVE UP ON LIFE!
Just in case you don't read the forums!
2007-09-29 16:17:45
Voice Actress Needed!
Ever wanna be in an Anime? Well here’s you chance. I need once voice actress to read a few lines for my newest video.
Have a good mic and a way to record your lines (Just a few short ones).
Be able to meet strict deadlines (A few days turn around).
Be able to voice act a girl with attitude.
Keep what you learn about this video a secret.
What you will get:
Your name in lights.
Sneak previews of the latest Hana no JudgeHolden video.
I will also send the video to a con you are attending so you can see and hear yourself on the big screen.
Send a voice sample to judgeholden@animemusicvideos.org or pm me a link.