SacredArrow18 (Jenna Hescht)
Ayumix 2!!!
2007-09-12 22:24:14
Hey all. I thought I would actually post a journal on here since I only did like 2-3 on here...
I am actually going to go in and start editing my ayumix segment again and change some things, not a whole lot, but do what I wanted to do before I stopped making it and was kinda depressed over the summer with no ideas or anything, but I finally got it finished a week before the deadline, but I find that its still really not good enough, so I am going to change it for when bakadeshi puts it on the org. So your going to see some changes to my segment for the mep that is going to be on the org.
On why I am doing this is because of some things bakadeshi told me about people saying stuff about my segment....>.> whoever they are......well ur in luck people I am going to be changing a few things to my segment and add a bit more effects to it to give it a more better style. As with this effect I have in mind from bakadeshi it will give me some learning experience on doing what I am going to do (thats if I dont start getting frustrated with it......) to make it stand out more. So be on the look out. ^.~
well for about my life out of the amv world. I've been pretty busy with school and work..but well not really working til saturday and sunday this week so I have the time to do my homework. I am actually doing my homework the time I get it after school a few times I have just did it at night, but still on the day I had school that way I can have free time the next day without homework. And it seems to be working and I actually feel a little bit more confident and proud to get my homework done on time and not procrastinate on it like I did last semester and all I have been changing my attitude on things. All I need now is more confidence and not caring what people think and well one thing to complete my happiness.....I hope that day comes soon...cause it sucks being lonely and seeing everyone around you with a couple. so wish me luck!!!! ^_^
Trust Company MEP
2006-09-06 18:40:53
Yeah!!!!!!!!! I am soon going to be done with my segment for the trust company mep. Its going to be so awesome. I can't wait to see the others of what people did. Its going to be one great MEP whenever it comes out! Cant wait!!!
2006-07-28 13:29:55
I am fully awake now, actually got up early today which is a start. Am just listening to music and ripping more footage.
Am also trying to get back into making amvs, which I haven't done anything yet, well tried to anyways, but those projects are going to be collecting space for now. lol. If anybody wants to see a new vid of mine that I had finally completed after a month a or so, its a non-anime music video. here is the link to go download it and watch. enjoy!
Done ripping footage.
2006-07-28 12:20:47
I am now done ripping the footage off the 1st and 2nd season of Sailor Moon, but also might be thinking of ripping the footage off the other seasons, maybe. Well I might as well. Even though I know I am not going to use every season, but well maybe I want to make a sailor moon music video myself since I don't have any sailor moon videos uploaded, but first I am going to work on the videos with the songs I am using for the MEP I joined so thats first then I am going to make myself a sailor moon music video next, maybe. If I don't go change my mind in which I always tend to do that. lol. but well anyways, thats all for my 3rd entry. laterz!^^
Still Ripping footage.
2006-07-27 16:39:17
hey all, am still ripping footage for my project for the MEP i joined so haven't started with a vid yet but soon once i am done ripping footage. so I am just listening to some music to pass the time and chatting with some people. I am also thinking of opinioning on some people's vids I havent done yet. I might just do one opinion a day.
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